Anyone wanna go on a date?


I think it would be awesome to go on a date with someone with hyperhidrosis.

I know this isn't a dating site but I can't find a dating site for people with hyperhidrosis so let's make it one :). It would be cool if anyone that would like to try dating someone with hyperhidrosis would post their age, gender, state/country/location (whatever you are comfortable with posting) and maybe some matches can be made and people can private message each other to set something up. If there are any success stories it would be nice to see those stories posted as well!

I'm a 23 year old guy from the Minnesota. I love to travel and can fly anywhere for a date because I have family that works for Delta. I hope I don't get kicked off this site for looking for a date but I figured it's worth a try because sweating is the worst part of dating for me and I think that anxiety would be gone if the girl I'm with also has hyperhidrosis. So send me a message or post your info below if you feel the same!
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