Anyone try acetone?


Well-known member
Soo i was wondering if anyone LITERALLY tried drying the parts of their bodies that sweat constintly from HH. I have read numerous times of using rubbing alcohol.. but of course it didn't work just like every other "remedies" i've tried and read online. but recently i bought a bottle of "Pro Clearz" which is an antifungal liquid applicator that is mixed with acetone to dry onto nails/skin. Now i don't have fungals on my feet lol, but they do reek like a dead body and a skunk made a baby of pure funk that ate rotten eggs, so i decided WHY NOT? I've been using it for 2 days now and noticed that my feet "when not active" are noticably drier on the areas of my feet that i apply it to, and the stuff is odorless like acetone. So i was wondering if anyone tried putting pure acetone on their areas and has it helped at all? Also would it be safe?

My theory is that acetone literally dries ontop of the skin and plugs the sweat glands refusing to let the sweat out unless you force it, IE anxiety, exercise, smoking, drinking, etc.

PS: i dont think the stuff helps my foot funk when working out or wearing shoes for over an hour, BUT i was at the gym today and noticed that people around me on the treadmill weren't staring at me like usual, so maybe it's helping a little? I've only applied it to the top half of the bottom of my feet and the toe/between toe areas. I'll try apply it to the whole bottom of my feet and see if it helps keep my feet even more dry which would probably lead to less or no foot funk ;). Crossing my fingers :D