Anyone thinks you are gay?


Well-known member
Lots of people think I am gay because of my SAD. It is because I cannot talk to women. I mean, I can, but I get really nervous, and I cannot initiate conversations. A lot of my friends just assume that I am gay, and the other night I had about 10 people accusing me of it. I am able to laugh it off because I know it is not true, but I just wish that people knew what was really wrong...


Well-known member
coriander1992 said:
My mum thinks i'm a lesbian :D :lol:
(O,o) I never thought girls would encounter this. :/ My mom once said in a more or less joky tone, "maybe you are like boys instead ther are those who do ;)". >:{ Didn't make me happy.


Well-known member
Kien said:
coriander1992 said:
My mum thinks i'm a lesbian :D :lol:
(O,o) I never thought girls would encounter this. :/ My mom once said in a more or less joky tone, "maybe you are like boys instead ther are those who do ;)". >:{ Didn't make me happy.

Lol my mum more or less says the same types of things to me, but obviously about girls.
Annoys the heck outta me :lol:


Well-known member
Yeah my mom said that to before to joking around. She doesn't actually think i'm gay though. Maybe its their way of motivating us to get a date haha.


I've had it suggested that I'm gay before. I've been on dates and I always seem so disinterested that its only logical that some girls would jump to this conclusion. I'm not a bad looking guy, but I always feel lie I'm being judged when I'm on a date. I know I'm probably not, but all I can think about is what she is thinking of me. Therefore, my actions are nervous and most of the time quite clumsy.

All the girls I've dated have given up on me because I start avoiding her just because I have such a hard time loosening up and I just hate being in that situation. One time I played the wingman with a friend watching his girlfriends dance competition (so gay haha, and before I realized I had panic disorder or I prolly wouldnt have gone). Afterwards we went out for chicken wings with some of my buddies' date's dancer friends and halfway through the meal the came to the conclusion that I'm gay because I don't act like the normal male that is usually drooling at them, I think. Then I had to ride with them in a packed car on the half hour ride home listening to their neverending questions and comments about my sexuality. Haha its a sad story, but its unfortunately true. I'm completely heterosexual, but I just don't enjoy the company of those kind of girls that act like their better than everybody. I was never rude once, they just took my disinterested demeanor (due to panic disorder because i hate crowded restaurants let alone prissy bitches) and turned it in to me being gay.

I currently feel like it's no use seeking out girls because it always ends up the wrong way. Hopefully one day I meet someone who just brings that feeling that I've known the person forever and get along well and they seem the same about me. But there's a slim chance that that's going to happen, since I tend to stay out of conversations with random people unless they just start conversing with me out of the blue for no reason. I just need a girl that understands what I deal with, but I'm too damn proud or anxious or something so I never tell any girls about it. It just feels like a burden to me so why would a girlfriend want to deal with it. I'd rather just deal with it myself and save her the problems...

And yes, I know i just reiterated my socially phobic thinking by thinking about the girls needs before my own. There's nothing I can do about it though, I'm just different and I feel like it makes me a less desirable person. It's impossible for anybody to see it without speaking with me though. My disinterested demeanor always leads to people thinking I don't like them. It's a fucking vicious world we live in.



Active member
Yer i get the "you never say any girls are hot, are you gay?" from my mum, its really annoying, and im too anxious to point out if i find a girl attractive


Well-known member
Hmm maybe, my sister calls me a f**king dyke...maybe my mum does, since I don't have any man pals 8O
And I did think it would be fun to go to the mardi gras....oh but purely to laugh at costumes (costumes are funny to me!!!!) not to lesbian hook up


Well-known member
lmao i love that insult.

That must sound so good with an aussi accent!

Call her it back!

She doesn't even say it properly, its f**king, isn't it?
She says f**ken dyke :p
It sound a little like, ya such a f**ken dyke, man!!
I called her skanky mcbitch, it was the best I could come up with, and told her to have some bitch fries, and an asshole burger :?


Hmm maybe, my sister calls me a f**king dyke...maybe my mum does, since I don't have any man pals Shocked
And I did think it would be fun to go to the mardi gras....oh but purely to laugh at costumes (costumes are funny to me!!!!) not to lesbian hook up

My parents and siblings know I'd just move out if someone literally calls me a homo haha based on the way I have reacted to other putdowns I've been subjected to. So I guess I'll never know what they really think, unless they really want me to move out I guess haha....I dunno why I chimed in here I just seem to be chatty lately what a pleasant surpise (to me at least)...



Well-known member
just because i never tell anyone who i like, some people assume i am.

but usually those people don't really even know me soo whatever!


Well-known member
I got that alot in school, mostly because I didn't seem interested in girls.
I was terrified of them, though...still am.

The song "Faget", by KoRn is about this kind of thing, ya know being harrassed about your sexuality.


Well-known member
Mm... people thought I was gay all through middle school and highschool. I didn't really help it that I started growing my hair long but that was more of a security blanket to hide my face when I walk down the street.

I haven't been called gay in a while though I'm sure many people think it based on the their responses sometimes.