Anyone interested in forming/joining a Social Phobia &/or OCD commune?

this would be a lot like a support system for sufferers with anxiety disorders since many times it's hard to find others like ourselves. I want to live in a house where everyone else has social phobia/ocd and we all take part in responsibilities and we form lifelong bonds. this seems perfect and the way our economy is going, communal living seems like a very intuitive route. I'm a black woman with social phobia as well as OCD and realize that since it would be so hard to find safe spaces for those who have both racism and social anxiety as constant battles, a communal environment for people like us would be the perfect form of healing in this straight jacket society. please respond here or inbox me if this seems interesting to you. my social phobia is getting so much worse, I'm unable to get/keep a job (my mom suggests me applying for disability since being around people gets so hard) and I have no friends/support system. an ocd/social phobia communal residence would be the perfect space for me to get on track.