anyone here use ionto for the feet?


Well-known member
i have been using the fischer md1a on the feet both at the same time for about 18mA at 15 min. each polarity. it has been 8hrs of treatments so far and i only have about 50% dryness. i thought it shud completely stop by now. to anyone here who had success with getting them at least close to 100% dry, what method did u use (mA/min. and total hrs)?


Well-known member
18mA seems a lot. Idromed 4 manual limits hand treatments to less than 15 mA. This could indicate your water is soft. Check with your water works. You may need to add HCO3- E.g. read the section about water in my post "digging in the dirt"


I use the MD1a, but I do 1 hand and 1 foot at the same time. EG. Right hand/Right foot then left hand/left foot.

The very first time I used it, I got to 100% dryness on hands and feet. With weekly upkeep I kept this for about 7 months. I then quit for 2 months to see how long it took to wear off.

I started again last week and have been doing 3-4 sessions per week, 15r pol, 15reverse each. So 1 hour total. And I am back to about 80%.

It has taken more than 8 hours this time around, but it will quit. I do put baking soda in the water to help. Maybe a teaspoon or so in each tray.

Oh, using speaker plugs from radio shack and cutsom plastic trays from the dollar store. The wires from the MD1a plug into the speaker jacks perfectly.