Anyone here into Toastmasters?


I just finished my second speech last Wednesday. I was a nervous wreck the two days prior, compounded by job hunting too. But, it was well worth it. I get alot from Toastmasters; its a really good stepping stone, and it is incremented in what you are exposed to. There are alot of really shy people that go, and invariably, everyone admits how nervous they are, so there is a mutual understanding of what you are going through. Although noone has expressesly described themself as having social anxiety, Im quite sure thats what alot members have, even if they don't call it that.

I would highly recommend it, its a huge step, even just going to the first meeting, but I think its really instrumental to growth and progression.




Well-known member
I went to a few Toastmasters meetings several years ago. I didn't give any prepared speeches but I did table topics. I used to get so nervous before those. One thing I remember was how nice and friendly most of the people there were. I'm not sure if all the TM groups do this, but the one I went to had a program where some of the more experienced Toastmasters would get together with you during the week outside the club and teach you what they knew. I think it would be a huge help to people who have trouble (are terrified) with public speaking.

By the way, congradulations on your second speech! That takes balls.


Well-known member
Septor - Toastmasters is sort of like a public speaking club. The group usually gets together once a week and give prepared speeches, Table Topics (short impromptu speeches) and 'business meetings'. There are evaluations to help people improve their public speaking. There is about a tonne of excellent educational material. It's a low pressure atmosphere so you can go at your own pace and most of the people (at least in the case of the club I attended) are there because they are terrified of public speaking.

This link will be more helpful -