Anyone feel quilty because their not working making money?


Active member
i'm so sick of bills and the government screwing me and my boyfriend around and giving us a hard time.everytime our bills are high or our rent is due we run into problems that causes us to be late with payments and when that happens i feel so dam quilty that i'm not working and i'm unable to help.i end up hating myself and my life and social's fucked up my life big time.Anyone ever feel like this when these problems arise? :evil:


Well-known member
Feeling guilty is good for nothing....... unless it makes you want to change your life.
Anyway don't worry. Whatever has to happen, it will happen. If that situation makes you break trhough your anxiety and get yourself a job so you can earn money... it will just be fine, won't it?


Well-known member
Nah, It ain't even my fault I have this disease.

But I haven't even recieved government money for a couple of months now, so screw them.


Well-known member
I feel exactly like you do awkwardgirl. My boyfriend is working hard right now. Of course I go to school full time, but lack of my own money is driving me into depression. I have a lot of anxiety over money as well.