I've only just realised that a have a bad social anxiety problem. Some days, like today, l can hardly bear to go out the house and the more l think about it the worse l feel.
Is that ususally the case when you first admit you have this problem ?l wonder.
I'd like to know that other people have felt, or feel ,the same cos l think my biggest problem is feeling so different to everyone else. so odd and alone.
I'd really apprecaite anyone saying hi.
I've only just realised that a have a bad social anxiety problem. Some days, like today, l can hardly bear to go out the house and the more l think about it the worse l feel.
Is that ususally the case when you first admit you have this problem ?l wonder.
I'd like to know that other people have felt, or feel ,the same cos l think my biggest problem is feeling so different to everyone else. so odd and alone.
I'd really apprecaite anyone saying hi.