
After realizing medication might not be the best thing for my SA (after reading a Paxil-user horror forum), I found a website for the "Social Anxiety Institute". They're selling therapy sessions on 20 cds. Unfortunately, its about $400. Anyone ever try it? If so, is it worth it?


New member
Bumping this; I had asked the same question in the treatment forum a few weeks ago, but no reply : /, hopefully someone with some info can read this! Thanks


Well-known member
Like I said before on this subject the only thing they are relieving you of is your money :lol: but that just my opinion.


Well-known member
Septor said:
Like I said before on this subject the only thing they are relieving you of is your money :lol: but that just my opinion.

:arrow: I agree with septor :!:


Well-known member
i cant understand the stupid price of it, If you are going to go for 1 of these, try 1 that has a 100% satisfaction or your money back schemes. Also read the terms and conditions for money back because there will be sneaky little catches!


Active member

PoutinePete said:
After realizing medication might not be the best thing for my SA (after reading a Paxil-user horror forum), I found a website for the "Social Anxiety Institute". They're selling therapy sessions on 20 cds. Unfortunately, its about $400. Anyone ever try it? If so, is it worth it?

If you have a file sharing program. You can just do a download audio files on self hypnosis and social anxiety treatment for free.


Well-known member
I paid out for the course a few months back. I'm currently half way through the course, and I'm noticing subtle, not massive, changes in my behaviour and thinking. In all honesty, I would of liked to have seen more improvement at this stage.

The content is very good- so much of what Dr Richards says makes perfect sense, but you have to be very self disciplined at the course, and practise and practise and practise.

I decided on this course of treatment having tried meds, counselling, hypnotherapy, herbal remedies and self help books. At the moment, I'm not regretting my decision, but time will tell....


Well-known member
i havent tried it. my ex girlfriend tried and she thought it was a very good program. the price is actually reasonbable, when you consider how much money therapists cost. she went to a group therapy in california though, set up by a therapist who studied dr richards' program. i did notice how much she improved in those 12 weeks and she told me the other groups members improved as well. however, it has been almost two years and she stopped doing what the programs asked her to do so her anxiety is back. from my point of view, her anxiety is not as bad as it was before the program though


I got the program mid last year and since have been on and off it sparatically.

its very slow and boring, but comforting and logical. but what i got stuck with was the distractions part. Distract yourself from your anxiety with something else....but what? i didnt know what else to think of besides that as i never did anything else. so i got it that Dr Dick said move on from angst, but he didnt say what. for that i found the Enneagram which has been much much more instrumental for me. By knowing my personality type, then I knew my natural strengths and some contributin reasons to me having SA. Look into

that said, i dont regret the SAI program. See if you can get the notes that Nickabck put down. He started on SAI, then Tim Robins, then 7Habits of Highly Successful people. Build them one ontop of another.

Im still talking, sorry, but yeah. i think SAI works if you put in the hard time, its too simplicistic for me