Anyone ever read?


Well-known member
The Satanic Bible? I bought it out of curiosity and hide it in an old printer...nobody knows I have it. I don't consider myself a Satanist but its a good read. It makes you feel stronger just reading it and atleast gives you things to think about. I wish it was longer tho.


Well-known member
No, but i have read about a purely objective site. It is as far as I can tell a book that embraces selfishness in behaviour and in thinking. As if the world is not filled with enough selfishness and hatred as it already is! :roll:

From the Satanic Bible:


The Satanist doctrine celebrates man the animal. It exalts sexual lust above spiritual love, claiming that the latter is but a sham and a cover-up. Satanism declares that violence must be met with violence and that to love one's neighbor is a utopian unreality. "Hate your enemies with a whole heart," The Satanic Bible advises. "And if a man smite you on one cheek, smash him on the other! Smite him hip and thigh, for self-preservation is the highest law!" (Section III, paragraph 7).

Envy and greed are the motivating forces of ambition - and without ambition, very little of any importance would be accomplished.

LaVey also explains that hatred is likewise a natural emotion in man and therefore not to be shunned.

Satanic approach is to create your own god, namely yourself, and to "worship" this god. The result, of course, is to view oneself as the most important of all beings, and to adopt an unapologetically self-centered view of the world and course of action.

He also offers that while a Satanist does not under any circumstance advocate criminal activity, if you believe a person deserves to die, then you are perfectly justified in placing a curse upon them, and therefore making a figurative "human sacrifice" of them.

The Three Types of Satanic Ritual

Lust Rituals are conducted for the purpose of sexually attracting a person of your choice. LaVey specifies that you must have a particular person, or at least type of person, in mind for this to have any chance of success.

Compassion Rituals are performed for the gain of those you care for, or on one's own behalf. The purpose is to increase worldly gain for the target, whether it be a friend or yourself. Any ritual aimed at gaining material wealth, physical advantage, or increase in life station falls into this category.

Destruction Rituals are otherwise known as curses or hexes, and are employed for the destruction of one's enemies.

(Source: Wikipedia)

A pic of the Author, Anton Lavey:


8O Nah...LaVey will never be my hero and the Satanic bible will never become my Bible that's for sure! :wink:


Well-known member
Again I'm not a Satanist but if you take select things out of any book you can make it look any way you like.

I flipped through it a little bit and it says "Can the torn and bloody victim "love" the blood-splashed jaws that rend him limb from limb?"

Lets say there is no God and no afterlife. Wouldn't it make sense to enjoy yourself by letting it all hang out so to speak? Instead of bottling up our feelings from fear we enjoy what the world has to give us.

The compassion rituals are too help people because you love them. You love your friends and hate your enemies. Its the rational way of doing things.

If you lust for a man won't you wear special clothes and act a special way to charm him? This is in fact a form of magic! Ritual magic is just another way of going about it.

If a dog would come up and bite you would you not curse it by kicking it? Again a form of magic.

Anyway its cool...not trying to push anything on anyone.

Oh and that picture is just horrible. I'm sure you could find worse pictures of the Pope tho.


Well-known member
Thelema in black, me in red.

Again I'm not a Satanist but if you take select things out of any book you can make it look any way you like.

But do you think the statements I quoted is completely contrary to some of LaVeys message?

The compassion rituals are too help people because you love them. You love your friends and hate your enemies. Its the rational way of doing things.

Yeah, but what about the destruction rituals?

If a dog would come up and bite you would you not curse it by kicking it? Again a form of magic.

When was kicking a dog for biting you considered magic?

Oh and that picture is just horrible. I'm sure you could find worse pictures of the Pope tho.

LOL! Well I am not a big fan of the pope either, I have in fact posted a rather unflattering picture of the present pope in some other thread in here. :wink:


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
Thelema in black, me in red.

Again I'm not a Satanist but if you take select things out of any book you can make it look any way you like.

But do you think the statements I quoted is completely contrary to some of LaVeys message?

The compassion rituals are too help people because you love them. You love your friends and hate your enemies. Its the rational way of doing things.

Yeah, but what about the destruction rituals?

If a dog would come up and bite you would you not curse it by kicking it? Again a form of magic.

When was kicking a dog for biting you considered magic?

Oh and that picture is just horrible. I'm sure you could find worse pictures of the Pope tho.

LOL! Well I am not a big fan of the pope either, I have in fact posted a rather unflattering picture of the present pope in some other thread in here. :wink:

They are part of the message but don't give the whole picture. If you just took out of the Bible you know "and then God freakin killed everyone there" and thats all you read then you would get the wrong idea.

I like Aleister Crowley's description of magic (Crowley died years before Satanism...Lavey and Crowley share a lot of ideas) "Magic is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will" So by kicking the dog to stop biting are using magic. You may use your foot and leg in this form but in another form you may be using infernal demons and what not. Angels work too. But Lavey sees the the ritual also as a way to bring out emotion. The same way as when you cry you let our your emotions and feel better afterwards. Lavey sees prayer as useless so instead of praying for someone you would do a ritual for them.

You can curse someone with your fist by hitting them in the face but you could get hit back. Lavey sees a destruction ritual as a way of getting the emotion out of you and getting revenge all at the same time.

I've seen Rob Halford (Lead singer of Judas Priest) as the pope. Pretty funny. I think he was depicted as the pope...well close enough anyway.


Well-known member
Thelema said:
They are part of the message but don't give the whole picture. If you just took out of the Bible you know "and then God freakin killed everyone there" and thats all you read then you would get the wrong idea.

But the fact is that after reading the whole (christian) Bible you will understand that it's message is a rather unselfish one contrary to the Satanic bible.

Jesus says turn the other cheek,
LaVey says not to only hit, but smash them back.

Jesus says love your enemies,
LaVey says hate your enemies with a whole heart.

Only because hatred in some areas might be a "natural" response for us humans does not justify nor make the situation better for anyone imo. I think many people who have felt real hatred towards another person can only be set free if they are able to forgive rather than indulge in their own hatred and start to place a curse etc on that person and promote violence. Self-defence is of course another issue which Jesus does not speak against.

I like Aleister Crowley's description of magic (Crowley died years before Satanism...Lavey and Crowley share a lot of ideas)

How funny, I thought about bringing up Crowley myself... So Thelema you have probably heard of 'The Abbey of Thelema' eh?
Here is what I found about 'Thelema':

The religious or mystical system which Crowley founded, into which most of his writings fall, he named Thelema. Thelema combines a radical form of philosophical libertarianism with a mystical initiatory system derived in part from the Golden Dawn.

Chief among the precepts of Thelema is the sovereignty of the individual will: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

Thelema evolved along the lines of the ceremonial magic traditions which had first shaped Crowley's thinking, namely rituals and procedures designed to elevate spiritual aspirants in both power and wisdom via astral projection, the casting of spells to advance the caster's true will, and the invocation of various spirits, angels, demons, entities, and/or whatever.



* The most evil man in the world is just one of the labels which was put on Aleister Crowley.
He told himself, that the first who called him the Beast after the great beast in the apocalypse was his own mother..
He was proud over both names, because "evil" was for him a religious aim.

* He did, to test the proverb, that a cat has nine lives, he anaesthetized it with anasenik, chloroformed it, hanged it, stabbed it, cut its throat, broke its head, burned it, drowned it and then threw it out the window.

* For three years, Crowley and a motley assortment of followers set up shop in the Abbey, which visitors described as a hygienic nightmare, rife with the stink of shit. Crowley adorned the walls with often grotesque murals and paintings of various occult subjects. Several accounts described the sacrifice of small animals in magic rituals, and Crowley often set out to systematically degrade visiting pupils (not least with his sexual attentions).


Lavey sees prayer as useless so instead of praying for someone you would do a ritual for them.

Well, I know billions of people would disagree with Mr. LaVey here, including me of course! :)


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
Thelema said:
They are part of the message but don't give the whole picture. If you just took out of the Bible you know "and then God freakin killed everyone there" and thats all you read then you would get the wrong idea.

But the fact is that after reading the whole (christian) Bible you will understand that it's message is a rather unselfish one contrary to the Satanic bible.

Jesus says turn the other cheek,
LaVey says not to only hit, but smash them back.

Jesus says love your enemies,
LaVey says hate your enemies with a whole heart.

Only because hatred in some areas might be a "natural" response for us humans does not justify nor make the situation better for anyone imo. I think many people who have felt real hatred towards another person can only be set free if they are able to forgive rather than indulge in their own hatred and start to place a curse etc on that person and promote violence. Self-defence is of course another issue which Jesus does not speak against.

I like Aleister Crowley's description of magic (Crowley died years before Satanism...Lavey and Crowley share a lot of ideas)

How funny, I thought about bringing up Crowley myself... So Thelema you have probably heard of 'The Abbey of Thelema' eh?
Here is what I found about 'Thelema':

The religious or mystical system which Crowley founded, into which most of his writings fall, he named Thelema. Thelema combines a radical form of philosophical libertarianism with a mystical initiatory system derived in part from the Golden Dawn.

Chief among the precepts of Thelema is the sovereignty of the individual will: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

Thelema evolved along the lines of the ceremonial magic traditions which had first shaped Crowley's thinking, namely rituals and procedures designed to elevate spiritual aspirants in both power and wisdom via astral projection, the casting of spells to advance the caster's true will, and the invocation of various spirits, angels, demons, entities, and/or whatever.



* The most evil man in the world is just one of the labels which was put on Aleister Crowley.
He told himself, that the first who called him the Beast after the great beast in the apocalypse was his own mother..
He was proud over both names, because "evil" was for him a religious aim.

* He did, to test the proverb, that a cat has nine lives, he anaesthetized it with anasenik, chloroformed it, hanged it, stabbed it, cut its throat, broke its head, burned it, drowned it and then threw it out the window.

* For three years, Crowley and a motley assortment of followers set up shop in the Abbey, which visitors described as a hygienic nightmare, rife with the stink of shit. Crowley adorned the walls with often grotesque murals and paintings of various occult subjects. Several accounts described the sacrifice of small animals in magic rituals, and Crowley often set out to systematically degrade visiting pupils (not least with his sexual attentions).


Lavey sees prayer as useless so instead of praying for someone you would do a ritual for them.

Well, I know billions of people would disagree with Mr. LaVey here, including me of course! :)

Well selfishness is what its all about. It also talks about loving completely those that deserve it. If you love just anyone it puts you at their mercy. If you love someone and they hurt you it hurts so much more.

Nobody respects who they can walk all over.

Jesus never had to hit anyone back because he was saying under his breath "thats hell for you buddy!"

If you love them then how can you get your revenge? If you really love them you could never hurt them and would probably let them hurt you again. Seems like a lot of hurt for you as they go on their merry way to hurt someone else.

Has not God promoted violence? More people have died in the name of God than any other reason. What do you think all that stuff in the middle east is about? It isn't because of Lavey.

I don't really know a lot about the abbey. I've seen some pictures of it and last I heard it might be finally torn down. The paintings I've seen aren't anything scary. I don't think he sacrificed anything. He had a strange notion of what was funny and thought it was fun to freak people out on purpose. Once he told a newspaper he ate a man in his climbing party. He was a mountain climber and of course never ate anybody. You can imagine how saying something like that can effect how people think about you.

Yes Crowley liked being called evil and the Beast 666.

I don't like what he did to that cat any more than you do. I think he said he was around 20 when he did it and this was the time when he was rebelling against his parents and the way they raised him. He wasn't a violent man.

Prayer is a great way to get out emotion but Lavey says it doesn't do anything but that. A ritual on the other hand he says can have a real effect.

Thank you for taking the time to do this research. I'm surprised anyone would know anything about this stuff.


Well-known member
Thelema said:
Well selfishness is what its all about. It also talks about loving completely those that deserve it. If you love just anyone it puts you at their mercy. If you love someone and they hurt you it hurts so much more.

When it says love your enemies, it does not mean you have to love them the same way you love a person you're close to. It simply means to respect and treat them the way you would want others to treat you.

Nobody respects who they can walk all over.
Loving your enemies does not mean that you let others walk all over. And if people don't respect you for showing respect and goodness towards them, you don't need their respect either imo.

Jesus never had to hit anyone back because he was saying under his breath "thats hell for you buddy!"
When Jesus was tortured and the soldiers were about to crucify him, what did he say..."Father, forgive them, because they don't know what they are doing." He sure did not seem like a guy who wanted revenge.

If you love them then how can you get your revenge? If you really love them you could never hurt them and would probably let them hurt you again. Seems like a lot of hurt for you as they go on their merry way to hurt someone else.
How about simply avoiding them instead of deliberately trying to hurt them back. Nothing good will come out of it, except more and more violent, aggressive behaviour as far as I can tell.

Has not God promoted violence? More people have died in the name of God than any other reason. What do you think all that stuff in the middle east is about? It isn't because of Lavey.
Well, speaking for the Bible I don't see anything in Jesus behviour as we are to follow his example nor any biblical text that should support all those tragic, unnecessary wars and violence. I don't support the view that the Jews and Israel is to be treated differently than other people or nations. Israel has already fulfilled it's misson...2000 years ago!
And also if you are thinking about all those million innocent people that the catholic church tortured and slaughtered and choose to think there is support for those evil, repulsive acts you are wrong. God does not force people to believe and follow him. It is a free choice and not something that can be forced either by violence or scaring tactics (hell). My view and the biblical view of hell is far different than the majority of churches are preaching about. It is not an everlasting torture-chamber, but sadly a necessary act (where sinners burn up) to rid the new world of all evil and sin.

I don't really know a lot about the abbey. I've seen some pictures of it and last I heard it might be finally torn down. The paintings I've seen aren't anything scary. I don't think he sacrificed anything. He had a strange notion of what was funny and thought it was fun to freak people out on purpose. Once he told a newspaper he ate a man in his climbing party. He was a mountain climber and of course never ate anybody. You can imagine how saying something like that can effect how people think about you.

I watched a documentary about Crowley yesterday on Youtube.
Here is the first part if you are interested, You can find part 2 and 3 in the list to the right. He sure seems like a sad charicature. He lived after his own philisophy 'do what thou wilt' and it lead to nothing but tragedy for him and the people he was involved with.

Aleister Crowley -Master of Darkness

Prayer is a great way to get out emotion but Lavey says it doesn't do anything but that. A ritual on the other hand he says can have a real effect.

What effect are you talking about exactly?

Thank you for taking the time to do this research. I'm surprised anyone would know anything about this stuff.
Believe me I wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't for my interest in the subject and wanting to learn more about it. Obviously for other reason than you... :wink:


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
Thelema said:
Well selfishness is what its all about. It also talks about loving completely those that deserve it. If you love just anyone it puts you at their mercy. If you love someone and they hurt you it hurts so much more.

When it says love your enemies, it does not mean you have to love them the same way you love a person you're close to. It simply means to respect and treat them the way you would want others to treat you.

Nobody respects who they can walk all over.
Loving your enemies does not mean that you let others walk all over. And if people don't respect you for showing respect and goodness towards them, you don't need their respect either imo.

Jesus never had to hit anyone back because he was saying under his breath "thats hell for you buddy!"
When Jesus was tortured and the soldiers were about to crucify him, what did he say..."Father, forgive them, because they don't know what they are doing." He sure did not seem like a guy who wanted revenge.

If you love them then how can you get your revenge? If you really love them you could never hurt them and would probably let them hurt you again. Seems like a lot of hurt for you as they go on their merry way to hurt someone else.
How about simply avoiding them instead of deliberately trying to hurt them back. Nothing good will come out of it, except more and more violent, aggressive behaviour as far as I can tell.

Has not God promoted violence? More people have died in the name of God than any other reason. What do you think all that stuff in the middle east is about? It isn't because of Lavey.
Well, speaking for the Bible I don't see anything in Jesus behviour as we are to follow his example nor any biblical text that should support all those tragic, unnecessary wars and violence. I don't support the view that the Jews and Israel is to be treated differently than other people or nations. Israel has already fulfilled it's misson...2000 years ago!
And also if you are thinking about all those million innocent people that the catholic church tortured and slaughtered and choose to think there is support for those evil, repulsive acts you are wrong. God does not force people to believe and follow him. It is a free choice and not something that can be forced either by violence or scaring tactics (hell). My view and the biblical view of hell is far different than the majority of churches are preaching about. It is not an everlasting torture-chamber, but sadly a necessary act (where sinners burn up) to rid the new world of all evil and sin.

I don't really know a lot about the abbey. I've seen some pictures of it and last I heard it might be finally torn down. The paintings I've seen aren't anything scary. I don't think he sacrificed anything. He had a strange notion of what was funny and thought it was fun to freak people out on purpose. Once he told a newspaper he ate a man in his climbing party. He was a mountain climber and of course never ate anybody. You can imagine how saying something like that can effect how people think about you.

I watched a documentary about Crowley yesterday on Youtube.
Here is the first part if you are interested, You can find part 2 and 3 in the list to the right. He sure seems like a sad charicature. He lived after his own philisophy 'do what thou wilt' and it lead to nothing but tragedy for him and the people he was involved with.

Aleister Crowley -Master of Darkness

Prayer is a great way to get out emotion but Lavey says it doesn't do anything but that. A ritual on the other hand he says can have a real effect.

What effect are you talking about exactly?

Thank you for taking the time to do this research. I'm surprised anyone would know anything about this stuff.
Believe me I wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't for my interest in the subject and wanting to learn more about it. Obviously for other reason than you... :wink:

But if you treat them so well how are they going to fear you? Fear is what the the christian church is all about ya know? Do what we say or you will be put in hell. Lavey is talking about the same kind of fear I think. The fea r of hell on earth by doing wrong to me.

Yes exectly! He expected God to make the judgement. Why would you need revenge when God will take care of it for you? If I believed God existed I wouldn't feel the need to get much revenge either if I have God to sort things out for me.

Pain can teach you a good lesson. If you do something and it causes you pain then...once bitten twice shy. If you hurt someone and in turn they hurt you back you are less likely to do it again.

But also if God will not punish priests for hurting children what the hell have I got to fear? I'll never get even close to doing something as horrible as hurting kids so...I might as well sin it up.

So your view of hell is similar to the Buddhists? That hell is only temporary until you burn off your bad karma?

I'm sorry but those kinds of things just piss me off! The saddest/maddest it makes me is when they show the face of Crowley without the rest of the is the rest of it

I guess only showing him smiling is the only part of the picture that is dramatic enough to get viewers...Him with his wife and daughter isn't interesting....

Do a search for a thelemite speaks.

You must realise that guys like Crowley stir emotions in people and the only way to get a good look at the guy is to do your own research. Some people will paint him as a great man and others will make him look as bad as possible...or others make a tv show to make him look very dramatic to get viewers. If you ignore what other people have to say about him and look at the facts then you'll have a more complete picture of him...good and bad.

If you have the time you should read his autobiography

I mean magic really is meant to have an effect. For instance if you would conduct a compassion ritual on someone you expect whole heartedly that it will indeed have a positive effect or you''ve done something wrong and have failed in your magic.

What interests you about these kinds of things? You aren't just doing this all for me...I'm crushed now :cry: :wink: :D


Well-known member
Thelema said:
But if you treat them so well how are they going to fear you? Fear is what the the christian church is all about ya know? Do what we say or you will be put in hell. Lavey is talking about the same kind of fear I think. The fea r of hell on earth by doing wrong to me.

Respect me, yes. Fear me? Why would i want someone to fear me?

About the christian church.
Have you ever considered that there are several types of christian churches. Have you ever studied the different denominations to see if that is a correct label to put on all of them. I can tell you that there do exist churches that speak against this fear-strategy in order to win souls for Christ. That is why I left the state church that I was born into, so to speak. Just because perhaps the majority of churches worldwide make use of a scare-tactic, does not mean that is the right way, or the biblical way to do it.

Is it really Gods will, is that what he wants his people to try and scare people into heaven? And is it really possible?

Think about this in a logic way. If Gods purpose is to get rid of all sin and evil and yet try to win as many souls for his new kingdom as He possibly can, why would He want to make use of a scare-tactic? If God wants us to love Him because He loves us with an everlasting love, how can He achieve that with force. Love can not be forced which is the very core reason as to why He had to allow all this evil in the world to go on for a limited period. He could have chosen to rid the world of all humans and the devil and his angels when He realized how sinful we really are. Yet He decided to give us a chance. He was willing to take the chance even though it would cost His heavenly son to be totally humiliated. Remember Jesus was/is God the son and was willing to become the lowest of the lowest among men, willing to be tortured, rediculed and murdered. Not to mention, He risked the possability of being eternally seperated from His father. And all this just because of His great love for us.

Yes exectly! He expected God to make the judgement. Why would you need revenge when God will take care of it for you? If I believed God existed I wouldn't feel the need to get much revenge either if I have God to sort things out for me.

Neither Jesus nor God finds any pleasure in the destruction of sinner on the day of judgement. It is simply an act that has to be invoked in order to rid the world of evil. Gods purpose is for us to have eternal life and to live side by side with Him. His plan was never to let anything of his creation die, but as the first humans decided to follow Satans temptations rather than to trust in their creator. God saw that we were diseased with pride just like Satan. We wanted to become Gods, in stead of being satisfied with being humans.
We wanted the same status as the creator, in stead of being pleased with being the creation. He knew what our pride and rebellion would lead to eventually, nothing but destruction.

Jesus came to show us what God is like. Jesus prayed for his enemies, he prayed for those who tortured him, for those who killed him. He was not seeking revenge. He was sad because even though they hurt Him so much, he still wanted them to be saved.
He pitied them in stead of cursing them. He forgave them in stead of hating them.

Pain can teach you a good lesson. If you do something and it causes you pain then...once bitten twice shy. If you hurt someone and in turn they hurt you back you are less likely to do it again.
But would you not agree that if everyone had the characterstic of Jesus, there would be no violence in the world? And if you believed that would you not want to be a good example for how you think all people should behave. Wouldn't that be a much greater lesson to learn people than to teach them to embrace revenge, hatred and violence? Don't you just sink to their level by treating them as bad, or even worse as they treated you?

But also if God will not punish priests for hurting children what the hell have I got to fear? I'll never get even close to doing something as horrible as hurting kids so...I might as well sin it up.

So your view of hell is similar to the Buddhists? That hell is only temporary until you burn off your bad karma?

People will first be punished for their evil-doings. Which means that a person who has commited many evil things will be punished harder than someone who has done less. This is because God is just and to make sure that a dictator who has been responsible for the murder of maybe milions of people will not just have the privelegie to escape from all his evil and have the same punishment as a person who has done few evil acts. I'm not sure karma is the right word, but for those who die sinners will be punished based on their evil acts, following total anihilation (death) for all sinners.

You must realise that guys like Crowley stir emotions in people and the only way to get a good look at the guy is to do your own research. Some people will paint him as a great man and others will make him look as bad as possible...or others make a tv show to make him look very dramatic to get viewers. If you ignore what other people have to say about him and look at the facts then you'll have a more complete picture of him...good and bad.

I don't think there was much bias in that documentary. I think he was portrayed from different angles, and based on facts (as far as I have read). I could probably come across web-sites where he is portrayed like the worst monster, but this was a pretty fair portray of him imo. What remains is, where did his philosophy 'do what thou wilt' lead him in the end? He even questioned his own life and philosohy in his old days as he probably realized where it had lead him.

I mean magic really is meant to have an effect. For instance if you would conduct a compassion ritual on someone you expect whole heartedly that it will indeed have a positive effect or you''ve done something wrong and have failed in your magic.
I really don't doubt it would have an effect, but I prefer to get my help from God rather than Satan and his demons. Satan can make you have temporary "happiness", but is it worth to loose your soul over it? God will also help us through prayer, but not if our motives are purely selfish.

What interests you about these kinds of things? You aren't just doing this all for me...I'm crushed now :cry: :wink: :D
I'm sorry to leave you all heartbroken, but hey that's life! :wink:

I am just genuine interested in supernatural issues as I am convinced that it exists. It is also interesting to learn more about different philosophies and try to understand why people choose to follow very contrary ones. Like you and me. It is always interesting to discuss with people who have a complete opposite view as oneself. I also find myself learning a lot by it. It makes me question my own philosophy, beliefs, but the end results have so far been the leaves me being more confident with my own beliefs and answers many questions I haven't really thought of before. :)


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
Thelema said:
But if you treat them so well how are they going to fear you? Fear is what the the christian church is all about ya know? Do what we say or you will be put in hell. Lavey is talking about the same kind of fear I think. The fea r of hell on earth by doing wrong to me.

Respect me, yes. Fear me? Why would i want someone to fear me?

About the christian church.
Have you ever considered that there are several types of christian churches. Have you ever studied the different denominations to see if that is a correct label to put on all of them. I can tell you that there do exist churches that speak against this fear-strategy in order to win souls for Christ. That is why I left the state church that I was born into, so to speak. Just because perhaps the majority of churches worldwide make use of a scare-tactic, does not mean that is the right way, or the biblical way to do it.

Is it really Gods will, is that what he wants his people to try and scare people into heaven? And is it really possible?

Think about this in a logic way. If Gods purpose is to get rid of all sin and evil and yet try to win as many souls for his new kingdom as He possibly can, why would He want to make use of a scare-tactic? If God wants us to love Him because He loves us with an everlasting love, how can He achieve that with force. Love can not be forced which is the very core reason as to why He had to allow all this evil in the world to go on for a limited period. He could have chosen to rid the world of all humans and the devil and his angels when He realized how sinful we really are. Yet He decided to give us a chance. He was willing to take the chance even though it would cost His heavenly son to be totally humiliated. Remember Jesus was/is God the son and was willing to become the lowest of the lowest among men, willing to be tortured, rediculed and murdered. Not to mention, He risked the possability of being eternally seperated from His father. And all this just because of His great love for us.

Yes exectly! He expected God to make the judgement. Why would you need revenge when God will take care of it for you? If I believed God existed I wouldn't feel the need to get much revenge either if I have God to sort things out for me.

Neither Jesus nor God finds any pleasure in the destruction of sinner on the day of judgement. It is simply an act that has to be invoked in order to rid the world of evil. Gods purpose is for us to have eternal life and to live side by side with Him. His plan was never to let anything of his creation die, but as the first humans decided to follow Satans temptations rather than to trust in their creator. God saw that we were diseased with pride just like Satan. We wanted to become Gods, in stead of being satisfied with being humans.
We wanted the same status as the creator, in stead of being pleased with being the creation. He knew what our pride and rebellion would lead to eventually, nothing but destruction.

Jesus came to show us what God is like. Jesus prayed for his enemies, he prayed for those who tortured him, for those who killed him. He was not seeking revenge. He was sad because even though they hurt Him so much, he still wanted them to be saved.
He pitied them in stead of cursing them. He forgave them in stead of hating them.

Pain can teach you a good lesson. If you do something and it causes you pain then...once bitten twice shy. If you hurt someone and in turn they hurt you back you are less likely to do it again.
But would you not agree that if everyone had the characterstic of Jesus, there would be no violence in the world? And if you believed that would you not want to be a good example for how you think all people should behave. Wouldn't that be a much greater lesson to learn people than to teach them to embrace revenge, hatred and violence? Don't you just sink to their level by treating them as bad, or even worse as they treated you?

But also if God will not punish priests for hurting children what the hell have I got to fear? I'll never get even close to doing something as horrible as hurting kids so...I might as well sin it up.

So your view of hell is similar to the Buddhists? That hell is only temporary until you burn off your bad karma?

People will first be punished for their evil-doings. Which means that a person who has commited many evil things will be punished harder than someone who has done less. This is because God is just and to make sure that a dictator who has been responsible for the murder of maybe milions of people will not just have the privelegie to escape from all his evil and have the same punishment as a person who has done few evil acts. I'm not sure karma is the right word, but for those who die sinners will be punished based on their evil acts, following total anihilation (death) for all sinners.

You must realise that guys like Crowley stir emotions in people and the only way to get a good look at the guy is to do your own research. Some people will paint him as a great man and others will make him look as bad as possible...or others make a tv show to make him look very dramatic to get viewers. If you ignore what other people have to say about him and look at the facts then you'll have a more complete picture of him...good and bad.

I don't think there was much bias in that documentary. I think he was portrayed from different angles, and based on facts (as far as I have read). I could probably come across web-sites where he is portrayed like the worst monster, but this was a pretty fair portray of him imo. What remains is, where did his philosophy 'do what thou wilt' lead him in the end? He even questioned his own life and philosohy in his old days as he probably realized where it had lead him.

I mean magic really is meant to have an effect. For instance if you would conduct a compassion ritual on someone you expect whole heartedly that it will indeed have a positive effect or you''ve done something wrong and have failed in your magic.
I really don't doubt it would have an effect, but I prefer to get my help from God rather than Satan and his demons. Satan can make you have temporary "happiness", but is it worth to loose your soul over it? God will also help us through prayer, but not if our motives are purely selfish.

What interests you about these kinds of things? You aren't just doing this all for me...I'm crushed now :cry: :wink: :D
I'm sorry to leave you all heartbroken, but hey that's life! :wink:

I am just genuine interested in supernatural issues as I am convinced that it exists. It is also interesting to learn more about different philosophies and try to understand why people choose to follow very contrary ones. Like you and me. It is always interesting to discuss with people who have a complete opposite view as oneself. I also find myself learning a lot by it. It makes me question my own philosophy, beliefs, but the end results have so far been the leaves me being more confident with my own beliefs and answers many questions I haven't really thought of before. :)

I mean you make your enamies fear you. If everyone fears you then ass :lol:

Yes there are lots of churches. All say they have God on their side and the other church is all going to burn in hell because they don't follow the true way of God. They may not so easily say they condemn the other side but they always do. Let me guess...they tell everyone to pray for the people in the other churches. If there was no fear then a lot less people would ever go to church. The fact is christianity is losing its popularity and every year loses followers.

Think logically...I'm sorry but thats just plain impossible. Why is it logical God would never show his face...put his words in a book that can be burned, torn, spit on, and eventually forgotten? Where is he now? A story from 2000 years ago just plain doesn't convince me...Come on want to prove yourself then show yourself! Words in a book may have worked for people that thought the world was flat but we have ipods now! A word in a book has no power over the living! Since when does a dead man have power over a living one?

There was another God that sent his son to earth and was birthed by a mortal woman...The sons name was Hercules! Why is that story any better than the story of Jesus? Why not follow Hercules? He had bigger biceps anyway! All hail Zeus! He lives in the sky too and he throws lightning bolts!

All this heavenly devily stuff and sending Jesus for sinners just sounds like people trying to rationalize some really strange story that makes no rational sense to our world today. You can learn a lot from the bible and be a good person with its teachings but that doesn't mean its anything divine.

He was a man that had no reason to hate anyone! He believe blindly that God would take care of everything. Revenge against what exactly anyway? God controls everything so if he was to grow angry he would grow angry at God...And I guess himself?

Everyobdy on this earth has pride. Do you wear your clothes just to cover yourself? No. Is there a name on that shirt your wearing? Pride! Sinner! Go repent! Hell Awaits ye now!

Don't all holy men become holy men so they can become like God? Is not everything a piece of God? Therefore I can never be anything else but God. I don't have to try to be what I already am.

People will treat you badly if they think they can get away with it. Therefore they think lowly of you. If you beat them down and step on them you are then higher and have raised yourself up to atleast one person. 6 billion to go!

Would you listen to one side of a political debate and call it case closed? No. If you want the whole story when have you ever just watched a tv show?

Crowley explains this all the time.."Do What Thou Wilt" doesn't mean do what you want! He's talking about...well I'll let you figure it out hehe.

Crowley lived the HELL out of life. He did everything and went everywhere. He truely lived life. Atleast we can respect that. You've never questioned yourself? Who was it that said a life that isn't questioned isn't a life worth living? Jesus was tortured to death..look where his way of life lead him...alright cheap shot but so was yours!

The fact is even Crowley believe everyone had a holy guardian angel. He even used it in his magic. There is even a book written in the 1400s explaing how to use your guardian angel to control evil demons to do your bidding. Nobody ever said anything about selling your soul anyway. Thats all been made up to scare people.

Wouldn't you agree that a strong person is better able to help a weak person? If I am strong and happy the people around me become strong and happy and then selfish black devil magic has helped people.

I'm the same way. I like looking at other beliefs and comparing them to my own. Just two different sides of the same coin :wink:


Well-known member
Note! I decided to post this answer again as I added a few comments. And Thelema, I'll have a look at the video-link you offered.

Thelema said:
If there was no fear then a lot less people would ever go to church.
Yes, you are probably absolutely right! But I still don't think that fear should be the reason as to why people attend a church. And I did explain in detail in my last reply why. And also if the aspect of fear that many churches uses in their strategy of gaining new members where erased, then there wouldn't be many hypocrites left in the church...which is rather good imo! :)

Why is it logical God would never show his face...put his words in a book that can be burned, torn, spit on, and eventually forgotten? Where is he now? A story from 2000 years ago just plain doesn't convince me...Come on want to prove yourself then show yourself! ?
Well, my idea (which there also is support for in the Bible) would be that God did show his face to the first humans before the fall. But after their fall they could not stand to look at him because He is so holy and bright that they would die instantly if they layed their eyes upon Him. So he had to withdraw himself from them. And his plan from that day has always been to restore this close relationship between God and man.

And speaking of the Bible. Yes, it has been burned, spit on and there has been many attempts to have the whole book exterminated, even by the catholic church. But the fact is that every time such attempts has been made ( and I don't think any other book in history has had that many challanges) it has not only survived, but even managed to gain popularity. And it still remains the most popular book in the world.

Words in a book may have worked for people that thought the world was flat but we have ipods now! A word in a book has no power over the living! Since when does a dead man have power over a living one
Well, the story does not stop at his death, after all he did rise from the death after three days. And I know that millions of people would protest against your claim that the Bible has no power over the living! An inumerable amount of people can testify of its great power of changing peoples lives for the better. And just so you know, the whole Bible is not only to be found in a book, you can probably even get it on your ipod! :wink:

There was another God that sent his son to earth and was birthed by a mortal woman...The sons name was Hercules! Why is that story any better than the story of Jesus? Why not follow Hercules? He had bigger biceps anyway! All hail Zeus! He lives in the sky too and he throws lightning bolts!
What do you know about Jesus' biceps anyway? After all he was a carpenter wasn't he? And God in the Bible has a lot more power than to just throw lightening bolts! :lol:

All this heavenly devily stuff and sending Jesus for sinners just sounds like people trying to rationalize some really strange story that makes no rational sense to our world today. You can learn a lot from the bible and be a good person with its teachings but that doesn't mean its anything divine.
I don't think it is a strange story at all. I think it makes perfect sense, and to me it is the only theory/belief that does explain our situation in this universe in a logical way. Where is the logic of living a short while here on earth and then just cease to exist with no meaning whatsoever of why you were born, what you are doing here and if and where you are going afterwards? What is the point of living, what is the point of existence if everybody is going to die in the end anyway? What is the point of knowledge, what is the point of achieving ones potential? What is the point of anything?

Don't all holy men become holy men so they can become like God? Is not everything a piece of God? Therefore I can never be anything else but God. I don't have to try to be what I already am.
No, there is a big difference being the Almighty Creator and being Gods creation. We will never become God although we are created by him. We can eventually manage to face God once again, but never to be apart of Him.

Crowley lived the HELL out of life. He did everything and went everywhere. He truely lived life. Atleast we can respect that. You've never questioned yourself? Who was it that said a life that isn't questioned isn't a life worth living? Jesus was tortured to death..look where his way of life lead him...alright cheap shot but so was yours!
Like I already explained, the story does not end there. But lets say, unless you believe that there is a glorious life after death for the rightous ones, his philosophy does not sound too bad for most people. People who view humans as just animals will have a completely different perspective of things than for those who believe that our actions are to be accounted for and that we are responsible for our actions unlike animals.

The fact is even Crowley believe everyone had a holy guardian angel. He even used it in his magic. There is even a book written in the 1400s explaing how to use your guardian angel to control evil demons to do your bidding. Nobody ever said anything about selling your soul anyway. Thats all been made up to scare people.

Crowley believed in angels and demons, and so do the Bible. So if angels and demons do exist, what makes it so crazy that God does too?
Just because you have read that it is made up does not mean that it is the case. Selling your soul simply means that you deny Gods offer of eternal life by focusing more on this life than the next.

Wouldn't you agree that a strong person is better able to help a weak person? If I am strong and happy the people around me become strong and happy and then selfish black devil magic has helped people.
I believe you can be strong and happy without the use of "selfish black devil magic" as you put it. And perhaps it seems innocent to you, but the fact is that many lifes have been damaged when opening the doors to the occult. Speaking for myself, knowing how much God loves me (and all of us for that matter), not to mention the value of always having someone who is willing to listen to my problems no matter how small and always willing to help, certainly makes me stronger and happier! :)


Well-known member
Ok, i have just finished watching that documentary you recommended. I have to say it was quite boring and I don't think I learned anything groundbreaking about satanism. What I did not know about LaVey though is that he did have a very cute lion cub! *sigh* And he was a remarkable talented organ player. The most interesting part in this video must be the guy (who probably was harmed with bullying or something) late in the clip who said how much it had helped him to perform spells/voodoo on the guys who had done him harm...well that was not as interesting though, but his glasses certainly were!! :lol:

Joking aside...Did you catch that Satanic hymn in the end about Christians being fed to the lions and chewed. And every religious person whether it be christians, buddhists, muslims, jews etc should be wiped out of existence?

I also reacted to their view that some people are to be reckoned as more worthy or above all else. Here is a quote from Anton LaVey when asked about the connection between satanists and fascist organizations: "It's an unholy alliance. Many different types of such people have made contact with us in the past. The anti-christian strength of National sosialist Germany is part of the appeal to Satanists -the drama, the lighting, the choreography that moved millions of people."

I mean where do you draw the line...isn't this exactly the same ideology that led to the terrible tragedy leaded by the fascist Hitler during World War 2?


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
Ok, i have just finished watching that documentary you recommended. I have to say it was quite boring and I don't think I learned anything groundbreaking about satanism. What I did not know about LaVey though is that he did have a very cute lion cub! *sigh* And he was a remarkable talented organ player. The most interesting part in this video must be the guy (who probably was harmed with bullying or something) late in the clip who said how much it had helped him to perform spells/voodoo on the guys who had done him harm...well that was not as interesting though, but his glasses certainly were!! :lol:

Joking aside...Did you catch that Satanic hymn in the end about Christians being fed to the lions and chewed. And every religious person whether it be christians, buddhists, muslims, jews etc should be wiped out of existence?

I also reacted to their view that some people are to be reckoned as more worthy or above all else. Here is a quote from Anton LaVey when asked about the connection between satanists and fascist organizations: "It's an unholy alliance. Many different types of such people have made contact with us in the past. The anti-christian strength of National sosialist Germany is part of the appeal to Satanists -the drama, the lighting, the choreography that moved millions of people."

I mean where do you draw the line...isn't this exactly the same ideology that led to the terrible tragedy leaded by the fascist Hitler during World War 2?

I think that strange guy was trying to look person would walk down the street looking like that and not realise how funny he looks :lol:

Its a song about getting rid of the religions because we don't need them anymore...not killing anybody.

I draw the line at people trying to make some connection with nazis. Satanism is NOT RACIST...DOESN'T WANT TO WIPE ANYONE OUT...DOESN'T HURT PEOPLE...DOESN'T KILL PEOPLE...and makes me some what irritated that you would try and make a connection. If you want to get so low...we could say Hitler could instill more loyalty then the incompetent Jesus...If Jesus was so great why the hell would Judas rationally betray him? If he could not convince one of his disciples then he isn't a very good leader and couldn't be doing so many great miracles...


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
Note! I decided to post this answer again as I added a few comments. And Thelema, I'll have a look at the video-link you offered.

Thelema said:
If there was no fear then a lot less people would ever go to church.
Yes, you are probably absolutely right! But I still don't think that fear should be the reason as to why people attend a church. And I did explain in detail in my last reply why. And also if the aspect of fear that many churches uses in their strategy of gaining new members where erased, then there wouldn't be many hypocrites left in the church...which is rather good imo! :)

Why is it logical God would never show his face...put his words in a book that can be burned, torn, spit on, and eventually forgotten? Where is he now? A story from 2000 years ago just plain doesn't convince me...Come on want to prove yourself then show yourself! ?
Well, my idea (which there also is support for in the Bible) would be that God did show his face to the first humans before the fall. But after their fall they could not stand to look at him because He is so holy and bright that they would die instantly if they layed their eyes upon Him. So he had to withdraw himself from them. And his plan from that day has always been to restore this close relationship between God and man.

And speaking of the Bible. Yes, it has been burned, spit on and there has been many attempts to have the whole book exterminated, even by the catholic church. But the fact is that every time such attempts has been made ( and I don't think any other book in history has had that many challanges) it has not only survived, but even managed to gain popularity. And it still remains the most popular book in the world.

Words in a book may have worked for people that thought the world was flat but we have ipods now! A word in a book has no power over the living! Since when does a dead man have power over a living one
Well, the story does not stop at his death, after all he did rise from the death after three days. And I know that millions of people would protest against your claim that the Bible has no power over the living! An inumerable amount of people can testify of its great power of changing peoples lives for the better. And just so you know, the whole Bible is not only to be found in a book, you can probably even get it on your ipod! :wink:

There was another God that sent his son to earth and was birthed by a mortal woman...The sons name was Hercules! Why is that story any better than the story of Jesus? Why not follow Hercules? He had bigger biceps anyway! All hail Zeus! He lives in the sky too and he throws lightning bolts!
What do you know about Jesus' biceps anyway? After all he was a carpenter wasn't he? And God in the Bible has a lot more power than to just throw lightening bolts! :lol:

All this heavenly devily stuff and sending Jesus for sinners just sounds like people trying to rationalize some really strange story that makes no rational sense to our world today. You can learn a lot from the bible and be a good person with its teachings but that doesn't mean its anything divine.
I don't think it is a strange story at all. I think it makes perfect sense, and to me it is the only theory/belief that does explain our situation in this universe in a logical way. Where is the logic of living a short while here on earth and then just cease to exist with no meaning whatsoever of why you were born, what you are doing here and if and where you are going afterwards? What is the point of living, what is the point of existence if everybody is going to die in the end anyway? What is the point of knowledge, what is the point of achieving ones potential? What is the point of anything?

Don't all holy men become holy men so they can become like God? Is not everything a piece of God? Therefore I can never be anything else but God. I don't have to try to be what I already am.
No, there is a big difference being the Almighty Creator and being Gods creation. We will never become God although we are created by him. We can eventually manage to face God once again, but never to be apart of Him.

Crowley lived the HELL out of life. He did everything and went everywhere. He truely lived life. Atleast we can respect that. You've never questioned yourself? Who was it that said a life that isn't questioned isn't a life worth living? Jesus was tortured to death..look where his way of life lead him...alright cheap shot but so was yours!
Like I already explained, the story does not end there. But lets say, unless you believe that there is a glorious life after death for the rightous ones, his philosophy does not sound too bad for most people. People who view humans as just animals will have a completely different perspective of things than for those who believe that our actions are to be accounted for and that we are responsible for our actions unlike animals.

The fact is even Crowley believe everyone had a holy guardian angel. He even used it in his magic. There is even a book written in the 1400s explaing how to use your guardian angel to control evil demons to do your bidding. Nobody ever said anything about selling your soul anyway. Thats all been made up to scare people.

Crowley believed in angels and demons, and so do the Bible. So if angels and demons do exist, what makes it so crazy that God does too?
Just because you have read that it is made up does not mean that it is the case. Selling your soul simply means that you deny Gods offer of eternal life by focusing more on this life than the next.

Wouldn't you agree that a strong person is better able to help a weak person? If I am strong and happy the people around me become strong and happy and then selfish black devil magic has helped people.
I believe you can be strong and happy without the use of "selfish black devil magic" as you put it. And perhaps it seems innocent to you, but the fact is that many lifes have been damaged when opening the doors to the occult. Speaking for myself, knowing how much God loves me (and all of us for that matter), not to mention the value of always having someone who is willing to listen to my problems no matter how small and always willing to help, certainly makes me stronger and happier! :)

Without fear of what happens when you die there would be no need for church at all :lol: The religions would in fact crumble to dust over night probably. The first God was a bear and I imagine they worshipped it to protect them against bears :lol:

There have been thousands of gods and you believe those gods were all fake and man made. If you put your faith in a time machine thousands of times when exactly do you give up and call it all a bunch of garbage? Excatly at what point do you look at the thousands of gods from every spot on the planet and realise gods were created by man out of fear? When does rational thinking give way to hope in something out there when you can see before your eyes that man has done this since the beginning of time? Is it not a little comical that this one God out of the thousands is the real one? Isn't it more likely that this God is as fake as all the rest and will eventually give way to something else?

But it being popular speaks nothing of it being true or not. A Million Little Pieces...I think it was...was total bs and was a very popular book too. A man can write a book every bit as well as what is in the bible and it was in fact written by man wouldn't it be truely logical to say that it can in fact be destroyed and fogotten by man?

The only help the Bible could give me really is if I burned it to keep from freezing to death in some weird horrible situation. People make the words powerfu...words are just useless symbols until you give meaning to them. Wouldn't you agree? And if we can in fact give any meaning to any symbol then any book could be of equal power!

If his creation can not see him then I would call that a failure in the design! Seems it would be a simple thing to fix for somebody that can do anything it wants.

I use hand tools much like the tools in Jesus' day. They don't do much for biceps but they sure do work the shoulders :wink:

Isn't it likely that because you were brought up in a religious environment and that you were always surrounded by the stories in the Bible that you would be more likely to believe them? The meaning of life is to be happy...doesn't everyone know that? :wink:

Crowley believed people were responsible for their actions he just saw diferent things as right and wrong because as you said a person that believe in a God is going to act differently then one that doesn't

Thats a question I've wondered myself...If there are angels and demons is it so much more of a stretch to believe in God? I don't have the answer.

So if you do believe in God you sell your soul to God?

I think Crowley's life was ruined by drug addiction and him spending all his money..not the occult. I'm happy you have your own beliefs and get happiness from your faith :D

I've reached my post limit so I'll just put this in here...

Chapter XXX: Do you believe in God?

Cara Soror,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

You are quite right, as usual. True, we have gone over a great deal of the ground in various learned disquisitions of Gods, Angels, Elves, et hoc genus omne.

But God with a capital "G" in the singular is a totally different pair of Blüchers—nicht wahr?

Let me go back just for a moment to the meaning of "belief." We agreed that the word was senseless except as it implies an opinion, instinct, conviction—what you please!—so firmly entrenched in our natures that we act automatically as if it were "true" and "certain without error," perhaps even "of the essence of truth."1 (Browning discusses this in Mr. Sludge the Medium.) Good: the field is clear for an enquiry into this word God.

We find ourselves in trouble from the start.

We must define; and to define is to limit; and to limit is to reduce "God" to "a God" or at best "the God."

He must be omniscient (Mercury) omnipotent, (Sulphur) and omnipresent (Salt);2 yet to such a Being no purpose would be possible; so that all the apologies for the existence of "evil" crash. If there be opposites of any kind, there can be no consistency. He cannot be Two; He must be One; yet, as is obvious, he isn't.

How do the Hindu philosophers try to get out of this quag? "Evil" is "illusion;" has no "real" existence. Then what is the point of it?

They say "Not that, not that!" denying to him all attributes; He is "that which is without quantity or quality." They contradict themselves at every turn; seeking to remove limit, they remove definition. Their only refuge is in "superconsciousness." Splendid! but now "belief" has disappeared altogether; for the word has no sense unless it is subject to the laws of normal thought... Tut! you must be feeling it yourself; the further one goes, the darker the path. All I have written is somehow muddled and obscure, maugre my frenzied struggle for lucidity, simplicity . . . .

Is this the fault of my own sophistication? I asked myself. Tell you what! I'll trot round to my masseuse, and put it up to her. She is a simple country soul, by no means over-educated, but intelligent; capable of a firm grasp of the principles of her job; a steady church-goer on what she considers worthwhile occasions; dislikes the rector, but praises his policy of keeping his discourse within bounds. She has done quite a lot of thinking for herself; distrusts and despises the Press and the Radio, has no use for ready-made opinions. She shares with the flock their normal prejudices and phobias, but is not bigoted about them, and follows readily enough a line of simply-expressed destructive criticism when it is put to her. This is, however, only a temporary reaction; a day later she would repeat the previous inanities as if they had never been demolished. In the late fifties, at a guess. I sprang your question on her out of the blue, à la "doodle-bug;" premising merely that I had been asked the question, and was puzzled as to how to answer it. Her reply was curious and surprising: without a moment's hesitation and with great enthusiasm, "Quickly, yes!" The spontaneous reservation struck me as extremely interesting. I said: of course, but suppose you think it over—and out—a bit, what am I to understand? She began glibly "He's a great big—" and broke off, looking foolish. Then, although omnipotent, He needed our help—we were all just as powerful as He, for we were little bits of each other—but exactly how, or to what end, she did not make clear. An exclamation: "Then there is the Devil!"

She went on without a word from me for a long while, tying herself up into fresh knots with every phase. She became irreverent, then downright blasphemous; stopped short and began to laugh at herself. And so forth—but, what struck me as curious and significant, in the main her argument followed quite closely the lines which came naturally to me, at the beginning of this letter!

In the end, "curiouser and curiouser," she arrived at a practically identical conclusion: she believed, but what she believed in was Nothing!

As to our old criterion of what we imply in practice when we say that we believe, she began by saying that If we "helped" God in His mysterious plan, He would in some fashion or other look after us. But about this she was even more vague than in the matter of intellectual conviction; "helping God" meant behaving decently according to one's own instinctive ideas of what "decently" means.

It is very encouraging that she should have seen, without any prompting on my part, to what a muddle the question necessarily led; and very nice for me, because it lets me out, cara soror!

Love is the law, love under will.



P.S. I thought it a good plan to put my fundamental position all by itself in a postscript; to frame it. My observation of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far higher quality than anything we can conceive of as human; that they are not necessarily based on the cerebral and nervous structures that we know; and that the one and only chance for mankind to advance as a whole is for individuals to make contact with such Beings.

1: Crowley is alluding to the preamble to the "Emerald Tablet of Hermes" which is more usually translated along the lines of: "True, without error (or "falsehood"), certain and most true." – T.S.

2: The original had the symbols for alchemical mercury, sulphur and salt.