Anyone else with General Anxiety Disorder?


Active member

I've only ever thought that I have Social Anxiety. This week I realised that I actually have GAD too.

I am almost always anxious about one thing or another. I usually feel like I've no time to do things and I'm constantly anxious over everyday things like college work, driving and even small things like finding the time to fill in a form.

I find that I get quite irritable, I'm constantly exhausted and forgetful, and that I find it difficult to stick to things like exercise, 'cause they take up time that I tell myself I don't have.

Can anyone else identify with this? I'd like to hear anyone else's views or stories as I still don't know a lot bout GAD. Please fill me in.



Check out the symptoms to the left of the screen. If you match most of those like me you probobly do. Its just a phobia of social situations. When around other people or large groups I feel like everyone is focusing on me, I get real tense, my heart palpitates, my palms sweat, and when I really am being focused on I turn beat red and sweat profusely. I get anxious over the smallest things to, and am very forgetful. Do you have a doctor or psychiatrist you can talk to about this? Hope this helps a little.


New member
Hi hamandcheese and everyone,

I think that, to one degree or an other everyone has these reactions to different situations. Heck even the most successful Speaker's and entertainers,talk of how they are almost frozen before the go on stage.
We all have that feeling that everything we do is being watched.And we all know that it's not, but it's really hard to get over that gut reaction. Most times we can just plow our way through the first stage and then things get better.But if it starts to effect our lives in ways that stop us from doing the things we should,then help is;family events,work or just plain going out with friends.
If the symptoms aren't too severe then I think some self help plans are great to build confidence forums to are a good start.If the problem goes to a point of stopping what you should be doing,then maybe the next step would be a doctor.I personally would leave prescription drugs alone.I think we are a society of the "take a pill,quick fix".

So you(we) aren't alone in this,but we do have to keep it in prespective,as best we can.

I hope this eases your concerns some
Thanks Dave


i was diagnosed with gad...but after lots of reading and research i came to find out it was social anxiety...not generalized or whatever