Anyone else in danger of...


Well-known member
Having their parents throw them out of the house? That's the situation I'm in right now. I'm jobless, carless, and soon to be homeless. I guess parents' understanding of social phobia can only go so far. Especially fathers.

The thing I don't understand is how things are going to get any better if I'm don't have any way to get around to find a job. I have the distinct feeling that everything is about to fall apart and maybe for the last time.


Active member
Yes, that's exactly the situation I'm in. I don't know what the hell I'll do. If I'm afraid to leave the house, if I got kicked out, what the hell would I do? It seems like the end is approaching soon.

I can relate with you a lot.


Well-known member
If there kicking you out they obviously don't understand the situation you're in. Have you tried talking to them about it?....I'm sure you have.


Active member
I'm in a different, but similar situation. I'm 29 and live with my parents.

I've just bought a house and it will be my new home in a couple of weeks. I'm single and it will be just me. I think the loneliness will get to me. Go to work, come home, be by yourself, go back to work, repeat. That includes the weekends.

I think I may crack, don't know how long I will last.


holy crap , i was just thinking about this and seen this post, I'm in the same boat , What in gods name are we to do?

yeah your right , always the father who is always angry , jesus!


Well-known member
Since i decided to quit college, mom said i have to take care of myself. I haven't lived at home in the last two years, been away for college but been totally dependent on my mom financially. I never had a job and don't know what to do. By the way, i'm 22 years old.


alltoomuch said:
I'm in a different, but similar situation. I'm 29 and live with my parents.

I've just bought a house and it will be my new home in a couple of weeks. I'm single and it will be just me. I think the loneliness will get to me. Go to work, come home, be by yourself, go back to work, repeat. That includes the weekends.

I think I may crack, don't know how long I will last.

I know how you are feeling, I have been there. But the only way to break the cycle is to be proactive about it. Take some risks. I know it's not easy, but it's also good cognitive therapy. Do you have any interests, hobbies? Try and find a group of people who share it.

A few years ago I found a table tennis club, after having played competitively in my teens, and I ended up spending loads of time there and making friends. After my divorce I worked up the guts to take a trip to Costa Rica by myself. It would out great. I met tons of nice people staying busy with white water rafting, horseback riding, and other activities. I was so worried that everyone was gonna think I was a total loser, to be traveling by myself. But it was ok and I have done other trips since, too. If you are not in therapy, I can strongly suggest cognitive behavioral therapy! I didn't think it could work on me, but it does.



Well-known member
4seasons said:
If there kicking you out they obviously don't understand the situation you're in. Have you tried talking to them about it?....I'm sure you have.

Oh believe me, my parents know all about my situation. It's just to the point now where their patience is running out. Well, for my father at least. I heard my dad say just yesterday that I could make it if I tried. That was proof enough of what he really thinks about my social anxiety. He sees it in fairly simple terms and so I guess now his simple solution to his annoyance is just to toss me out and make me fend for myself.

To be honest though, it is really hard talking to my parents. While my dad is the type of person who talks at you rather than to you, my mother can be very condescending and treats me like an incapable child most of the time. Nowadays my dad always seems ready to get into an arguement with me so I try to avoid him most of the time for both of our sakes. I also heard him talking about me going back to school yesterday asking my mother when I planned to do so. The thing is, it's obvious that he doesn't really care because his next heated question was who is going to pay for it? And then of course there was his statement of "I'm more disappointed in this family now than I've ever been in my life" before he began trying to bait my mother into another of his useless arguements. Meanwhile I sat in my room thinking about the calenders my father has so nicely marked the date of my eviction on. December 31st say's "Must Be Moved". Makes one feel good to see that each day.


Well-known member
alltoomuch said:
I'm in a different, but similar situation. I'm 29 and live with my parents.

I've just bought a house and it will be my new home in a couple of weeks. I'm single and it will be just me. I think the loneliness will get to me. Go to work, come home, be by yourself, go back to work, repeat. That includes the weekends.

I think I may crack, don't know how long I will last.

I definitely understand what you're saying. I'm not sure it's that I'm so much afraid of being out on my own as the lonely part of it. I mean my exsistence here in my parents' home has been...scarce to say the least. But the idea of just going to work, coming home, being alone, and then going back to work day in and day out for years on end is too depressing for me. I suppose I could try joining a club, though I suspect that wouldn't add up to too much. The clubs I've been a part of in the past were full of cliques. People who already know one another and seemed to have little interest in getting to know anyone new. And even after the club meetings end you're bound to find yourself alone waiting for another day of work and social pressure.

Doogiebkyln came up with some good ideas on how to be proactive though. I like the idea of traveling...though that won't be affordable for years in my case. And I would never travel alone anyway.