Anyone else dislike eating in public?

I always feel nervous leading up to a time when I know I'll be eating in a restaurant or similar place. I always try and get out of going. I feel even worse when I'm there and usually end up leaving the meal. It's like a bad butterflies feeling I get. I think it's cause of the thought of others watching me eat. Am I the only one with this?
I don't mind, but once in a while I can be self conscious over what I eat, since I'm very picky, and I usually just get a lot one thing, as opposed to a balanced meal. Plus, when I eat chicken at home, I eat with my hands, peeling the skin, removing the parts I don't like, so in public, it feels weird using a fork and knife.


Well-known member
I hate eating out, just walking into a restaurant makes me feel nervouse i feel like everyone is watching me :(
I feel the same way, feel that everytime I eat everybodys eyes are watching me, even though deep down I know they're not. I'd like to eat out more but I just get too nervous and uptight about it so I don't bother and end up getting out of it.


I get the same feelings guys. The fact that DayTripper brought up about being an extremely picky eater is also something that I deal with.

Every thread on this site makes me feel more at home with all of the people on here. It's so damn weird that we are all so alike but we feel so unlikeable.



Well-known member
I don't like eating infront of people either.
I'm slowly getting better though. It's especially bad if nobody else is eating!
[/quote]It's especially bad if nobody else is eating!

I know exactly the feeling, if nobody else is eating I just end up picking at the food and end up leaving the majority of it cause I feel that every mouthful is being watched by others.
I'm glad I'm not suffering alone with it.
I was fine with eating out in public until recently when suddenly, I feel like throwing up. No matter the place, if it's a public place with people, I cannot eat because I will literally choke on the food and have a hard time keeping it down. I'm not sure if it's a sporting injury or because of social anxiety (it's probably SA because it only happens in public).


Well-known member
I think I worry about making an idiot of myself when I'm eating. Especially with sloppy things, it makes it harder.


Well-known member
I completely avoid eating in public.....maybe because I couldn't actually go into a shop and buy food to eat, I would rather starve then do that...I have a problem don't I? :oops:


Well-known member
I have had a hard time eating with pple it started near the end of my 12 grd year. especialy drinking water(wheather it's a cup or bottle.) :(

I used to like eatinng out I still kinda do.


Well-known member
yes, I always dreaded eating in public as a kid. I was so nervous I would ahve trouble swallowing. I often avoided cafeterias for this reason. It's been a lot better since I started taking medication about 14 years ago.


Well-known member
Emma said:
I completely avoid eating in public.....maybe because I couldn't actually go into a shop and buy food to eat, I would rather starve then do that...I have a problem don't I? :oops:

Yup I'd rather starve than eat sometimes too, especially when there's nobody else eating, or they've all finished.

That reminds me of something funny I saw in a film once. In the movie 'mean girls'. The main character in the movie is faced with the prospect of having lunch with other students who don't accept her, she goes and eats lunch in a toilet cubicle. I know that's got little to do with this, but I though I'd mention because it sprang to mind lol.