anyone else bored?


Well-known member
man im just sitting around bored (this happens alot) and just wish i could add you guys to my msn list because it would be nice to talk to some people with SA for a change. thats my msn if anyone wanna to add me go ahead. :D


Well-known member
There's something wrong with my computer and I can't download MSN messenger. Sorry. But I do have AIM and yahoo messenger.


Well-known member
I have never met a social phobic who is not bored of everything, everyone!

Well I'm the exact opposite, never bored. I miss the emptiness of feeling bored with no stimulation.

Too much to do, think about, read, draw, see, watch. My imaginations over active I think. :)

P.S. I am bored with humans though.



Im bored too, but I try to keep busy as much as possible. You can add me to you list too. You guys can all add me to your list.
Its ( :)