Anybody Hear Any Good New Music?


New member
Usually the end of the year is a big time to release new music but there hasn't been a lot of great stuff. My favorite cd that I've been listening to is "The Gospel According to Patti LaBelle", her first gospel album. It's great to listen to after work (umgd) to unwind. My favorite track is "Anything" with Kanye West, MaryMary and Consequence.[/i]


sure, if anyone cares right now I think Beirut & the new Decemberists album are pretty awesome. I'm excited about the new Shins one too. I don't know how new or whatever Beirut is but he's still great.


Edith said:
jennn said:
sure, if anyone cares right now I think Beirut & the new Decemberists album are pretty awesome. I'm excited about the new Shins one too. I don't know how new or whatever Beirut is but he's still great.

I'm looking forward to the new Shins album too... I loved the last one.

I just found out about a band called The Most Serene Republic they are pretty good this isn't there best song... but it'll do.

I don't know what kind of music you like - It might not be this - BUT if it is, check out the Arts and Crafts website, they sign amazing artists


thanks for that - i did like that song! i'll have to check out that website, because i bet i do like that kind of music & always like to find out about new bands.