Any people interested in Jung and ideas like duality?


Well-known member
...Hi, I have read a little of Jung and, being also interested in spirituality, find ideas expressed in both of these really fascinating. I'd like to learn more and was hoping to have some kind of discussion and exchange of these kinds of ideas with anyone with the interest.

If you want specific examples, here are some quotes of Jung and of Jesus that apply to the Mind-Body question and duality, and all that sort of thing....

"When a person becomes aware of both polarities within any given conflict, a great psychological shift occurs ...the third, transcendent (God like) opinion is achieved by maintaining the friction between polar opposites for as long as possible" Carl Jung

"When you make the two into one, a foot like a hand, a hand like a foot, male into female, female into male, and the outside like the inside, then you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven" Jesus from the Gospel of Thomas the above two beliefs and see how much in common they have with one another. THis is also something that Jung, the Father of Analytical Psychology, identified and wrote about: the similarities between his observations and theories of human behaviour/ thinking with the same ones expressed in the teachings of spiritual leaders.

...Anyhow, I'll just see if this topic catches anyone's interest. If it does, I'd like to see what others think about it as I really would like to understand such principles better. It's difficult stuff though and can be a bit full-on, so there's no obligation or anything to think really hard if you just can't be bothered with the hassle.

..Oh, and here is another Jungian quote (that is a favorite quote of mine) ...

"I'd learnt to see that the greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble. They must be so, because they express the necessary polarity inherent within every self-regulating system. They can never be solved but only outgrown ...everyone must possess that higher level" Carl Jung, from 'Commentary on the Secret of the Golden Flower' the above quotes Jung says that he believes a 'radical shift or wholeness' occurs when one becomes aware of both poles of every conflict. Compare this to the principle of God being both the Beginning and the end and how 'God' is believed to exist within a person as their psyche. Some even think that 'God' is another word for a person's mind (or perspective of the world, perhaps)


Well-known member
...since no one's posting in reply :lol: :? I'll just continue my own discussion with my self :) in the vain hope that I may attract like-minded individuals with similar ideas or insights. (or preferably people who could fill me in on what I don't yet understand or may misunderstand)

One thing that I have learnt in the past, my people-based anxiety and hypersensitivity meaning I've come across one other major obstacle before. ...The difference is that with this I can say with FULL certainty that I overcame it and frankly am quite quite proud of my self. :D :D
(...wish I could do the same again now!!)

But here is basically how I look at solving any kind of problem...

Identify two different sides, for example: you and your way of thinking/feeling and that of another person or thing that you experience difficulty with. These two sides, are representative of what balance is lacking within you. And my whole 'method' is based on reintroducing a sense of balance.

It 's based on ideas like Jung's and Jesus' of two opposites existing everywhere. When there is a lack of balance a person feels split within, and therefore is often sufferring, just as there is a sense of me vs the world or the sense of separation from others. Because, in reality there is no true division between you and the world/others, but there can exist one in your mind by virtue of how you look at things and the values you place on things.

Therefore, define who you and others are accurately/define more accurate values and perception of who you and others are, and you eliminate the sense of separation and instead are integrated with others and your environment.

...well that is a very very simple description of how I look to solve things. I know that there is a little more to it than that. I just wish that I properly understood ideas like how to change one's perception that spirituality and psychology are about.


Well-known member
HI Phantom,

you're the only one who replied to my post!

But I think I understand, because I am also pretty into Jung's and Jesus' ideas, but I also find them hard to 'see' at times. Like it is hard to believe in their idea of looking at your world differently.

I think this is the word they call 'faith'; and that even if you understand it to some extent, like Jung does with his explanations, that it is still a bit of a mystery. And that having 'faith' and seeing this new perception that spirituality and psychology are about, can be a bit like dropping a habit and picking-up a new one. ...You know how you can struggle to paint a picture for example, and then all of a sudden you get the inspiration and vision to do it. Or like a habit you have always had that you one day decide to break.

...I think that 'faith' can be similar to 'inspiration' and 'confidence'. That sometimes a person just needs to do their best. I also think that perhaps we can still practice encouraging ourselves and praying to ourselves and to God, and remind ourselves of the principles of spirituality and Jungian ideas. -That, even when we find this hard to believe in, we can keep some belief in it and it can give a person some piece of mind. I find that it calms me and helps me to not worry as much. And until I really make a breakthrough, I like to remind my self of these kinds of ideas because I think it gets a person closer to believing in them; even if sometimes it is a question of the right time and a person just getting that inspiration that they are looking for.

Thanks for your thoughts Phantom,


Well-known member
Phantom wrote:-

the change of perception is something that can be done, but is kind of risky imo. because you kind of become somebody else. i.e. drugs; when you drink you'r thoughts change and you become somebody else, that even if it's still yourself you see the world different. in that sense an ex.alcoholic return to see the world the 'sober' way. plus his experience as an addict.

is a though process, but we always have faith that we'll make it. the idea of looking at your world different, scares most people, because it involves a self-deception. what you thought about it, is no longer real. that's why people is scared of leaving addictions, because they know their reality will change,a nd they cannot accept change. im nobody to judge this, but is true for the majority of cases. we don't like our shell to be broken, wathever shell we'r experiencing 'drugs, home, job, family, videogames, sports, partying, richness. i.e. money, poverty' a change always involves discomfort. im going a bit off topic-

perception can be changed, by either experience, drugs, meditation or environmets. nobody can change your perception but yourself, the question is, when you leave one realm of perception, you really leave everything behind. i.e. a teenager becomes interested on different things.
a child leaves behind the yoyo and plays guitar. hmm sry i just like this topic..but you'r very likely right about picking habits and dropping habits.
i.e. you decide to stop being poor and suddenly make loads of money..that's a big change and it can be as dangerous as a man who goes from being rich and suddenly becomes pennyless. at the end we've got to make changes to reach that state of mind and environment that we'd like to, sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. sry 'bout the length-v
bye bye for now, i appreciate the time--[/quote]

LittleMissMuffet says:-
Phantom, I think what you've written above is pretty brilliant, and it helps me understand things better. Thanks. I'll continue this discussion with you in the next day or so.
