any one know any good book for social phobia "act" therapy ?


Active member
If I'm missing your issue, let me know, but do you mean "acting as if"? I developed, taught and led groups in shyness, social phobias, etc. One thing socially anxious people have is an extremely good imagination, and you can use this as a tool (one of many) to act as if you are someone you know, or some actor you've observed, and mimic their behavior when you're in a situation that makes you very anxious. When I first started teaching I had public speaking terror, so I pretended I was an professor I admired; I copied the way she sat, how she looked at her audience- how she held her pen. I think it was the actor Cary Grant who said when he first started acting he pretended he was Charlie Chapin, Maurice Chevalier and I forget who else. He said, by doing that he eventually became himself. It allows you to occupy a space you can't do yet, by pretending to be someone who can. I hope I didn't miss what you were asking for. I'm writing a book now on shyness and conversation skills.