Any good jokes, cartoons pics, etc...


Well-known member
Here goes.
A lovely young boy who just turned 11 is best friends with his neighbour whom happens to be a nice young girl aged 10. Anyway this nice chap fancies this girl and decides to approach her father and ask for marriage. He says "sir you have a beautifull daughter and could I have the pleasure of marrying her". The father replies with a smile "look son with marriage, comes responsibility". The Boy replies "sir I am very responsible. I look after 3 pets everyday". The father whilst impressed with his answer continues (with a smile) "Son with marriages comes financial commitments. I mean where would you live?". The boy replies " I work two paper rounds a week. I have saved up enough money to get us both on the right track". The girls father now very impressed (still smiling) with the boys answers and running out of questions says. "Son your being silly now. With marriage, adults do something which results in babys coming along. Now how would you and your friend cope with that at your age". The young boy looks at him and replies "well we've been lucky so far".


Here's some I thought were good

So I bought this teddy called mohammed the other day for $5. The next day I sold it for $10.
The question is, did I make a prophet?

There is a little girl called Petal
One day she asks her mom "Why was i called Petal?"
Her mom replies "When you were born, a flower petal fell on your head so i called you Petal"
Then her brother Fridge runs into the room and says "Blaaaagghmmmmmd"

An elderly couple are attending Sunday church, when half way through the sermon the old lady whispers to her husband, "I think I've just done a silent but deadly fart...what should I do?"
The old man replies, "Buy some new batteries for that fuckin' hearing aid!"