Any christians or church avoiders?



Hi to all

I am new to this forum , and think i MAY have this condition (having googled for the symptoms i have, i'm not sure if i fit into social anxiety or some other form of illness)

I am male 42 I recall not having many close friends as a child - no big birthay parties etc

I got educated to uni level (physics as it is theory - not much talking required!)

My longest career type job was as programmer-senior programmer in customer services department , i found interaction hard - especially phone calls (i can call OK form home but have complete confidence failure if there is anyone around especially in office setting) . I also had lots of days of work , including walking out of a trining day when we all had to stand in line and introduce ourselves - i just left before it got to my turn - that was over 10 years ago

Now i work in p/t causual role setting up rooms for social groups - this is easy as i can set the room up and exit (no demand to meet anyone if i don't want) - though i somteimes enjoy the occasional chat as they enter or leave (i also supplemt my work with some self employment on the web which requires no social interaction whatsoever)

The thing is i live a v restrictive life also outside of work in spare time - things i avoid (1) Haircuts - i shave my own these days - hard to cut back of head! (2) Holidays - the closest i have had to a holidy in a decade is cycling 25 miles there and back from my home (3) No social life - no pubs no restaurants . I have 2 friends who visit but live restrictive lives themeselves for different reasons though

Recently (within last couple months) i have started attending churches (Baptist and cOFe) - i quite enjoy the group worship but when for instance questions are asked to the congregation or say, volunteers are asked to help the children at the front of the church / or someone runs around with a microphone i avoid this . I am finding the general conscensus of church goers interpret the bible expecting you to serve / interact - there are certain passages in the scriptures that say this condition is due to man fearing other men rather than god, and if i truly believe then that fear will(may) subside.

Until i recently attended church the condition has not been rearing it's head simply because i have been adept at chosing a job and lifestyle that avoids just about any situation that can cause anxiety

The reason i have posted this is to find out if i really have "Social Phobia" , and would especially like to hear from anyone who is christian/ or similar problems living alone blah blah (thanks)