Anxiety. My Story.

I thought it would be a good idea to post my experience with anxiety on this forum, with the hope of it being a benefit to someone.

OK, I'm 23 and I have had extreme anxiety problems for around 4 years now. During this time I lost contact with all my friends and became very withdrawn from life in general.

I was depressed, afraid, lost, extremely anxious about everything. I also developed a horrible blushing problem during this time which stopped me going out at all due to the embarrasment it would cause me. I have been effectivily house-bound all this time.

I knew something had to be done. I was falling and it was a choice of either having a life or simply dying a lonely sad person.

I started to see numerous psychiatrists etc and taking pills from my doctor. They helped, but it just wasn't enough, I knew I had to take control or end up doing something stupid like suicide(? Why is that word censored?) as it was so bad.

First thing I did was change my diet completely. I started having proper food. No junk. I also started having 3 proper meals a day and fruit in-between. I also began getting up earlier (9:00AM instead of 1:00PM), even if I didn't feel like facing the world I made sure I was up and stayed up.

About a month in I started feeling a difference in the way I felt. I didn't have such huge bags under my eyes, my mind was clearer and I felt more in control generally.

I soon realised I still had the terrible blushing problem and still felt anxious in general. This really got to me. I was trying so hard and still my problems were there. I knew if I gave up now I would end up back at the start. I had to move foward.

So, I bought a rowing-machine. I started exercising daily. Not too hard at first and just half-an-hour a day. Now after a month of exercising I can honestly say I didn't feel that much different. I felt I had a bit more energy but nothing major.

Again, this hit me hard. I was doing everything I could possibly think of to help myself, but I was still anxious and my blushing was still there. So, I gave up. I gave up for about two weeks. I started eating comfort food, I put on all the weight I had lost, I wasn't getting up until two or three in the afternoon. I knew I was going backwards.

In the end I knew there was nothing for it. It was do or die time. I COULDN'T FAIL! This was my one moment. I HAD TO SUCCEED!

So, I got myself back on track. I FORCED myself to get on that rowing-machine daily. I FORCED myself up in the morning. I wasn't going to let this illness beat me.

The first month was hard, very very hard actually. But this was it, this would define who I was. I wanted my life back.

I worked so so hard. One month went by, I felt changes in my mood. Very small at first, but I knew what I was doing was making a difference. Blushing still there.

The next month went by. I felt stronger as a person. I also noticed I could control my blushing a lot easier with my mind. I was winning. I felt strong psychically and mentally.

Anyway, it's now four months later, I've kept to the same routine, my depression has gone, completely. For the first time in a long time I can truly say I'm not depressed. My blushing is totally under-control. I still get that feeling I'm going to blush but, I can control it so easily that it doesn't happen hardly ever now.

Slowly, I'm getting back my life. It's been hard but, for the first time I know I have a future. I'm actually smiling now!

I know I still have a way to go. But now I have hope. I know I can control my life again.

I guess what I'm trying to say in this story is this; YOU CAN BEAT IT! YOU CAN SUCCEED! I'm living proof of that. Last year I was in hell. This year I'm stronger, ready to live again. I'm not 100% but I'm not far off. But understand YOU CAN BEAT IT!


Well-known member
Weee :)

Wow all that progress :D Very inspirering and I think it's a really great accomplishment that you starting fighting again (rowing and so on) even though you had period where you were down. All the best to you and everyone else of course..
Glad someone read it. I thought the length would put people off :p

I just hope people get some ideas of their own by reading my experience. I know how hard this illness is. But I also know you have to keep fighting if you're ever going to overcome it.


Well-known member
Very nice story, it will help some people for sure. Hopefully all goes well for you, you definitely deserve it.


Well-known member
Highly inspirational. This has really motivated me. I have dabbled in trying to eat better, and start exercising again, but never really comitted myself. Now I have more motivation to do that.

Just interested, you say you reduced the bags under your eyes after a while. Do you think this was due to the diet change, or something else? (the reason I ask is because me eye bags make me quite self concious, especially in the morning hours when they are prominent).


Active member
well done on succeeding....i find this motivating...maybe if i improve my diet and feel better about myself i'll be able to be more confident and less anxious too. i've been wanting to get healthier but i procrastinate really badly :(

success stories are always inspiring - thankyou :)


Well-known member

You have a mind like me :)

I used to eat junk food alot & thought if I eat healthier, my mind might become clearer & I might be alot more happier & more confident, so I made a new yrs resolution this year 2 eat healthily!

It lasted 2 weeks LOL. I usually drink tea, loads of water now, milk & fruit juices even carrot, whereas before it was always tea & fizzy drinks!

Even though I hate heathily for 2 weeks, and im still drinking alot of water these days, Ive not really noticed any improvement except I dont feel as ill as I did when I consumed alot of sugar. My Mind feels a ltitle clearer, but thats all :(

I have trouble getting out of bed! I have to literally force my self else I would stay in bed all day. Its so hard getting out. I usually get up somewhere between 11am - 1pm. This is mainly because I cant sleep at night, so I would go bed around midnight, or later, read in bed as I cant sleep, then would finally fall asleep around 6am!

I cant just eat healthiyl all the time as I have bad withdrawal symptoms & I cant exercise as I never have any energy even if I eat energy foods.

I also brought myself some weights & a rowing machine a few yrs ago, but these r sitting up in the attic getting dusty because I dont have the room in my bedroom to use it & I have no energy!

Im proud of the fact that I dont drink alcohol (maybe one unit a year) and I dont smoke, but I think if I could eat healthier I might feel better!

Do you have any tips for me babyshambles?

You have inspired me now as its making you feel better :) I want to get up earlier & sleep better, but I dont have the willpower or energy to do it :([/i][/b]


Well-known member
It feels good to read such positive stories. I really hope that you find balance and peace in your life. For anxiety is part of life, but it has to be kept in balance to live a healthy and happy life.

introvert said:
Just interested, you say you reduced the bags under your eyes after a while. Do you think this was due to the diet change, or something else? (the reason I ask is because me eye bags make me quite self concious, especially in the morning hours when they are prominent).

It was due mainly to not under-sleeping and not over-sleeping. I made sure I got a good 7 hours minimum each night. I also used some moisturiser before I went to bed (I used L'Oreal men expert as I heard it was good), that also helped in reducing the bags.

beautiful said:
Do you have any tips for me babyshambles?

You have inspired me now as its making you feel better :) I want to get up earlier & sleep better, but I dont have the willpower or energy to do it :([/i][/b]

Neither did I. Believe me I was a wreck before I took action. When I started this I had no energy, but I had to do it. I always knew life was better than what I saw it. Motivation is hard to achieve especially when you're feeling depressed and so unhappy. But I also knew that living like I was was destroying me mentally and psychically.

The first month I was exercising I wasn't pushing myself too hard, I was simply trying to get myself into a routine. Only when I got a good routine going did I start exercising harder. I found the only way to make your body stronger was to challenge it. I had an aim when exercising.

My workout:

I started with a couple of mins stretching etc. Then I would do my first 'set':

3mins on the rowing-machine.

2mins rest

Then 2nd set:

3mins again on rowing-machine

2mins rest

3rd set:

3mins again

2mins rest

4th set:


2mins rest

This is what I did for the first month. I was exercising for 12 minutes a day at first. Then the next month I upped that to 4 minute sets followed by 1minute 30secs rest, that meant I was working out 16mins a day. I knew I had to do it gradually so I wouldn't 'burn myself out' by pushing my body before it was ready.

So, as each month went by I was challenging my body that little bit more. This is what gave me more energy and helped beat my depression. Because my body was being challenged it was adapting, getting stronger to cope with the constant exercising I was doing. So, a stronger mind gave me more control and now I'm able to control my blushing naturally (blushing has gone almost completely now. Can't remember the last time it happened) and I have confidence in myself too.

Right now I do one hour a day. The fuuny thing is I actually enjoy exercising now. At first I hated it so much, but now it gives me such a great feeling I don't want to stop.

MarCPatt said:
I really hope that you find balance and peace in your life. For anxiety is part of life, but it has to be kept in balance to live a healthy and happy life.


Agreed. Life's all about balance. That's the key to everything.