Anxiety induced vomiting


Well-known member
All throughout this week I've had the constant feeling of throwing up thanks to various anxiety-induced reasons. It's one of the worst feelings in the world. My anxiety completely went away for a few years (unless I was doing a presentation or something) but it has since come back.

Because I cannot avoid these reasons, I want to try to ease my upset tummy. ::(: Somehow...

I take the bus to school every morning. I will most definitely be feeling anxious on it. I don't want to throw up. So, I'm gonna take some dramamine to ease my upset stomach.

I'm wondering if any of you have tried this for your nausea/anxiety symptoms? I practically lived on it when my mom and I spent 2 weeks driving up and down the west coast of the US. Not for anxiety, but for motion sickness.

I've had to make a break for the washroom plenty of times at school this week and that becomes sort of hard to do on the bus! ::(:


Well-known member
Yeah, it is. =/ I took one Dramamine 'less drowsy' pill this morning an hour or so before I hopped on the bus. It helped a bit, I guess. I felt pretty 'numb' the entire day, but I still felt crappy and sick to my stomach.

I'm beginning to think that I've caught the flu or something. I've never had anxiety nausea this bad before. I can't stop shaking, but I don't feel cold.