Anxiety creating a problem in school?


Well-known member
I haven't performed very well, acedemically, for the past 2 1/2 years and I think that this might be anxiety-related. My problem, essentially, is that I can't bring myself to complete the assigned work; I procrastinate and start having panic attacks whenever I think of an assignment or due-date. Since I've been taking a new drug for my panic attacks, I feel much more competent and efficient, but the 2 1/2 years' worth of negative marks on my record have left a nasty scar.

Has anybody had a similar problem(s)?

I hate offering excuses for a poor performance, but I wonder if I can get anything excused on behalf of my anxiety issues... Anybody had any experience with this?


Well-known member
Same thing this fall I got 3 Fs and 1 D. I was so anxious and depressed. I would get panic attacks during the exams when I felt that my teacher was looking at me. The worst would be when I'd have to get up to read a paper in front of thte class, I would not stop shaking.


Well-known member
I just can't get myself to go to class or do things for fear of underperforming, I think...

This sucks, though, because my anxiety feeds off of my failures...


Well-known member
i changed schools junior yr. [big mistake] i had a few friends at my previous school then i moved and had absolutely no friends as a junior, i introduced myself to people[very painful] and sat at tables with lots of what i thought were nice people and was rejected. they'd be like "omg now there's no room here now" hint hint... so i ended sitting myself for a whole yr. i moved to a new town and dropped outta highschool and got my GED..yup im a failure at life. :oops:


I left high school because of my panic disorder in tenth grade and graduated through home school that same year. I tried going to college but only finished 1 out of the 4 semesters in which I enrolled. If I'd have just given up after graduating high school I wouldn't have this huge pile of debt...

I failed a class last semester because I need a microphone to record my voice onto the computer for it. The problem is mine broke and I was too scared to ask for a new one so I couldn't get any assignments done -_-