Anxiety associated with the telephone


Well-known member
I loath having to talk on the telephone to people I don't know very well. About 5 minutes ago I had to call my professor because I unwisely forgot and misplaced the password I have to use in order to access an email system associated with the school where I go. I effectively forgot my password, the seriously vague "hint" question I gave myself to help me remember ("Default secret question?"-- what is this?! THis meanis nothing to me. "Default secret answer?"-- is that the answer?-- no that doesn't work... It wouldn't be so annoying if it wasn't me that came up with all the nonsensical gibberish), and as a result had to brave a phone call to ask my professor if I could send a project using my personal email. I rehearsed the things I would say over in my head for about 15 minutes. I am a champ, i'm ready to take this telephonic beast head on! So with a warcry (which was more like a whimper) I call: the phone rings... and rings... and rings... then some stupid holiday music comes on the phone and I'm perplexed. The holiday music stops abruptly before I am cognizant of the fact I'm about to be recorded in the form of a voice message-- devil take me... Woe. As it turns out I had all the information I needed to leave a message. I had an articulately composed paragraph in front of me that i could read to relay the message even, but for some reason I ignored all this and launched into a-- really not too shabby-- improvised retelling of the situation. My sole failure is that right at the very end I forgot my own wretched telephone number! Not only did I forget it and say nothing-- oh no--I gave the wrong telephone number. I had it all down more or less except for that one piece of key information. I realized the mistake I had made after having hung up and promptly blurted out expletives. What to do? Call back with a revised telephone number and leave another message? "Apologies madam, but I don't know my own telephone number *chortle*-- fail.

What's the most socially unawkward way to fix this situation? IS this sort of anxiety on the lunatic fringe of what constitutes social phobia even?
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