Anti-Depressants, Alcohol & Drugs


Well-known member
Hi there. I've been wanting to ask this for so long, but I didn't know anyone on anti-depressants until I found this support group.

For those taking them, do you drink alcohol or smoke marijuana or anything? When I do go out every now and then, I like to have a drink. My doctor says I can only have the equivalent of 2 beers or else serious bad stuff could happen. So I try to stick to that, when I do, I feel more like I've had 4 drinks cause it's more potent with the meds. I also smoked marijuana almost everyday for a year (I since stopped for good cause I was becoming more depressed & lethargic) and my doctor said that the meds became ineffective (and useless) during that time. I sometimes wonder and am scared that my SA is related to that, like somehow I damaged myself, because once I stopped last year, I then developped this horrible and plaguing self-conciousness problem.

Some people say not to drink at all, others do even harder drugs while on their meds.

Do any of you drink alcohol while on your meds? What have your experiences been?
(By the way, I'm on 30mg, paxil, 4 yrs)

Thanks. I appreciate any thoughts.


Well-known member
Nah. I know logically that it would be disatrous. There is alcoholism in my genes and I have a bit of a compulsive personality. Deep down, even though I have urges to drink in order to reduce my pain, I know I'd get hooked.

Besides, there's always help available. There's no need to medicate yourself when there's professionals to do it for you. :wink:


Im not on anything, but i know a few people that are and none of them drink because basically as you've pointed out when you drink it makes the effects so much stronger and obviously if you drink what you normally would drink anything could tbh i wouldnt recommend drinking more than the doctor has said he obviously knows best :wink:


well no i wouldnt recommend drinking what you usually would , however admittedly i do !!! sometimes loads, not too help with my SA but i suppose i just act like im not on any anti-depressants . I no i probably shouldnt do this but i have come too know my limits . i sometimes smoke weed , but it makes me sad :( . hope that helped