another women lied to me


Well-known member
There is one thing that i hate is people lying to me, what i hate more is a girl lying to me in order to use me for something.

IS there any women out there that don't lie and use men? because i have not met one (other than my relatives)

i just have to sigh and then try and go on living, but this is one more example of the fact that i will not find someone,

I wish i could be proven wrong about this, but sadly, time after time, i get hurt and rejected. whats the point


Well-known member
i am not doing anything to make them lie, i just be their friends, listen to what they go through, and then they lie to me stating that she is not looking for a relationship, then turns around and states she is dating someone.. hmmm...


Well-known member
lifesnotfair said:
i am not doing anything to make them lie, i just be their friends, listen to what they go through, and then they lie to me stating that she is not looking for a relationship, then turns around and states she is dating someone.. hmmm...

She means she isn't looking for a relationship from you. The girl is using you as her emotional support and doesn't see you as a potential boyfriend.

Let me guess, she tells you you what a good guy you are and complains to you about all the jerks she runs in to?


Well-known member
lifesnotfair said:
no women likes me in any other ways

No, you're letting yourself be seen as a friend. You have to learn to not act the same way towards girls you like as friends and girls you like as potential girlfriends.


lifesnotfair said:
There is one thing that i hate is people lying to me, what i hate more is a girl lying to me in order to use me for something.

IS there any women out there that don't lie and use men? because i have not met one (other than my relatives)

You must be meeting the wrong women. That rarely ever happens to me. Although, it helps to be assertive.


Well-known member
I know quite of few women like this - and it is sickening. I had a very sensitive BF who would fall from these lies/tricks from women because he thought he was being nice (or maybe he thought they were cute) even though I knew they were simply just using him.

I like to think that I am not one of these women. But, I am sure that I fall prey to looking or acting like the typical woman at times, too. But, hopefully not.


Well-known member
It sounds like the girls don't even know that you like them in that way, because you are acting like a friend to them. Which is great - but not if you want to be more than friends!

You have to make it more obvious to them that you're interested. I think girls like to know for definate that a guy likes them before they consider taking things further, for fear of rejection.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Everyone lies everyone, think about you, have not you ever lied anyone?You will get used to it by time, the world is so and we must adapt it.

By time you will experience that who is the reliable person who is not.
I've never lied to a guy to use them =\
the girls you encounter just may always be of that kind :?
it's terrible to hear such things though =\