another wasted day.. or not?


Well-known member
just thought i would share this with u:
sometimes i feel so much good-for-nothing, ungood and wasting so much time. but when i take a piece of paper and write down everything i did that day, it always makes me feel much much better.
today i:

got up
talked to dad (without arguing - now that's something :))
went to school
wrote a test in chemistry (quite good i think)
talked to a friend
talked to a boy i do not know well for a while (succes isn't it?)
red a book
met two friends from other classes and talked to them
ate lunch
went home
watched TV
listened to music
did some washing-up
took an online esperanto lesson
played scrabbless with my family

well, not that bad, was it? :)

and now, what did YOU do today?


Well-known member
for som1 with SA thats a good day to have. You are going out and socializing (maybe at school but that still counts). Talking to som1 u don't know is always tough but uve managed it today and you should be proud. I think writing what u hav done is a good idea, thats why I keep a journal with entries for all the times I have felt anxiety and over come it!


Well-known member

got up...
managed to get breakfast...shower..& feed & dress & play with my son
went shopping with him & my mum...went for coffee (a first with my mum)
came home...a sleep & then more playing...
listened to the kooks album I bought yesterday...bit loud for the bairn...had a dance around with him to Jack Johnson instead..
kissed my boyfriend hello when he got in from work..
took my dog out for a walk..
baby to bed
just about to eat something..

not a wasted day :)


Well-known member
no, not at all, blubs. a nice one :) here's mine:

got up and went to school
had some fun with friends
got to know a nice girl who'll be sitting next to me during our psychology lessons
never ate lunch so were pretty hungry
met a boy from our class in the bus and managed to actually go and chat with him without any problems :D
got home and finally ate something
worked on a project for integrating disabled children and (aah damn all modesty :) ) had some creative ideas which i think will be quite useful
read a book
managed to be happy all day :D