Another social phobic...


My name is Ronald (I'm a male) and I'm 17. I experienced only shyness when I was smaller, but as I grew the shyness evolved into social anxiety disorder. High school has been the worse time for me. It's really difficult living like this. Right now I'm in therapy, but I've only had one session. Nothing's going smoothly like I want them to. I feel really limited too, living with my parents. (but how else would I live...) If I could I'd go to Arizona and join the social anxiety group, I would. I don't know of any social anxiety groups (groups specifically focused of social anxiety disorder) near where I live, in San Diego, California. I'm in a cognitive therapy group (just went to orientation today). I hope it helps in someway. If it doesn't, I just don't know what to do because I'm not capable of researching where to go. My family would have a fit and I really don't want to hear their shit. I can't explain things well at all because of my lack of social interaction. Even when my anxiety is down (in very rare situations), my social skills are so low that it's hard for me to communicate how I want to. And my social phobia is pretty extreme. I can't even ask a teacher for help when no one's around. I even feel really anxious around family. Right now, my life feels pretty vague and empty.

I hope to meet people with my problem. Aside from here, maybe we can talk on instant messengers. Thank you for reading.
Hi GhostButterlies, welcome to SPW!

CBT has some good points. But CBT is flawed in that it wants us to correct our irrational thoughts and feelings. ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy) says we shouldn't debate our irrational thoughts and feelings, instead we just notice them and not take them literally. If you get stuck with CBT (like I did) try ACT, hopefully it'll help you as much as it's helped me.