another shit day


Well-known member
last night i got to sleep at 5.00am and got up at 8.00am for college, i got to college and slept in the first lesson which was key skills maths, the teacher woke me and then gave the class a lonnnng speech about goin to college in a state like i was blah blah blah, all my teachers no i have bad depression (but didnt mention it, this teacher was one that understands)

but i been feelin more depressed than ever, and i was in college. fuck. then we had key skills communication which was shit, then lunch so i went to the chip shop but on my way back to college this gang of about 8 "chavs" come up to me and ask if i got a spare cig, i sed no i dont smoke, then they started feelin my pockets and askin for money, i sed i aint got none but they found some in my tousers pocket grab it, i was like wtf. then i get ruffed up by them, for no reason and they got wat they came for. i managed to give a couple punches to some of them, cut this guys lip open haha shame. then my people come and they dust, with my sliff, phone and money. man its sad how i work hard for these fings and ppl jus go round muggin you like they own the town. man if it werent for my mates i would be lying half dead on a hospital bed right now. plus after college on my way home yet again to asian guys come up 2 me and ask for me to give them my phone, i was like na got mugged today. and they jus lauf and walk off, been a realy shit day i mean what the fuck? i nearky got mugged twice in one day! fuckin hell is luton! ah anyway jus though i should get it off my chest and share it with u, plus im bored



Well-known member
Bloody typical!! Lutons not in London is it?

Glad to hear you're ok though, this sorta shit scares me to death. And whats worse is because it scares me I probably look more vunerable and uneasy, more open to attack. I know men who were mugged, stabbed in the back and beaten up around London. It makes me so mad I wish I could kick these twats in the scrotum. With steel toe capped boots!!

Wanna join me kezada?


Well-known member
Oh Kez, this chavs r such wankers :evil: I wish people like that would F-off and go do something constructive, twats! I'll talk to u on msn later, if u wish?X


Well-known member
ye i been stabbed to, it was on my arm around about last year, they all hang around in a group cuz they all pussy wholes and they no i will take them down if it was 1 or 2 people, pisses me off

na luton is jus on the outskurts of london, could says its "mini london" a shithole basicly lol. u shud no were it is by now! c'mon, aint u seen the news about the london bombers leaving from luton train station? fuckin terrorist piss me off to! wats this world comin 2? fuck!



Well-known member
u shud no were it is by now! c'mon, aint u seen the news about the london bombers leaving from luton train station? fuckin terrorist piss me off to! wats this world comin 2? fuck!
I'm really sorry to hear that happened. I never heard of someone who got mugged twice in one day. but it isn't only luton. My brother got mugged about a week ago. they threatened him with a knife. He gave them all his money. they were only two. damn, i wish i was there!


Well-known member
I'm sorry that this had to happen to you :( I was juz thinking: do mugging cases happen frequently where near u study? I was thinking that since where u study should be considered somewhat like a 'school zone', then muggings shouldn't be taking place right? Or maybe u r simply studying in an area that's not so safe?

Pls bare wif me if these seem to be strange questions or anything. I live in an Asain coutry where mugging isn't the culture. There might be robberies or pick pocketing but not mugging. Was asking so I could understand your situation better 8) If u feel too overwhelmed by the incident & don't wanna talk 'bout it, its fine, I understand.

Take Care....


Well-known member
In England we have quite alot of street crime, inc. muggings sadly, I don't know facts and figures but it is a problem, obviously more in different parts of the country than others.
I think they deserve to have their fingers cut off! hehe oh, and rapists should have their knobs cut off!


Well-known member
A bit severe, Bexi, although I agree. Forget wasting money on putting these guys in prison, just hack off body parts, and if they do it again, cut off some more...they'll soon learn that way.

But no, in this country we like to take the touchy-feely approach to our violent criminals, try to understand why they are c*nts and offer them our sympathy, give them free counselling, training and benefits and let them go free back into the community so they can commit more violent crimes. But we lock up guys like Kezada because he fights back and busts a guys lip.

Sorry to hear about your day, Kezada. Makes me think we should all carry guns and be free to shoot these b*stards.


Well-known member
Holy crap, do you live in a big city or something? That kinda crap (muggings) dont fly around here, somebody will get shot. In most cases its the street punks. :)


Well-known member
Kezada said:
last night i got to sleep at 5.00am and got up at 8.00am for college, i got to college and slept in the first lesson which was key skills maths, the teacher woke me and then gave the class a lonnnng speech about goin to college in a state like i was blah blah blah, all my teachers no i have bad depression (but didnt mention it, this teacher was one that understands)

but i been feelin more depressed than ever, and i was in college. fuck. then we had key skills communication which was shit, then lunch so i went to the chip shop but on my way back to college this gang of about 8 "chavs" come up to me and ask if i got a spare cig, i sed no i dont smoke, then they started feelin my pockets and askin for money, i sed i aint got none but they found some in my tousers pocket grab it, i was like wtf. then i get ruffed up by them, for no reason and they got wat they came for. i managed to give a couple punches to some of them, cut this guys lip open haha shame. then my people come and they dust, with my sliff, phone and money. man its sad how i work hard for these fings and ppl jus go round muggin you like they own the town. man if it werent for my mates i would be lying half dead on a hospital bed right now. plus after college on my way home yet again to asian guys come up 2 me and ask for me to give them my phone, i was like na got mugged today. and they jus lauf and walk off, been a realy shit day i mean what the fuck? i nearky got mugged twice in one day! fuckin hell is luton! ah anyway jus though i should get it off my chest and share it with u, plus im bored


Some people are fucked up. "Chavs" should not be allowed to breed.


Well-known member
I feel so sorry for u buddy, at times i feel i am really damn fortunate to be born in my country.. :evil:


Well-known member
That kind of crap happens in the bigger cities here - a friend of my sisters was mugged like that in Sydney, this guy at a train station just came up to him and demanded that he give him his phone 8O I can't even imagine how i would react to shit like that. Just because of the sheer brazeness of it i would probably think they were joking :roll: I'm sorry you had to go through that man - and TWICE!!


Well-known member
Bexi said:
In England we have quite alot of street crime, inc. muggings sadly, I don't know facts and figures but it is a problem, obviously more in different parts of the country than others.
I think they deserve to have their fingers cut off! hehe oh, and rapists should have their knobs cut off!

I heard that it is not safe to walk the streets after 9pm in Boston. Safer to stay behind locked doors. Is it the same for England as well? But one thing I find strange is that if people(women esp.) should not be walking the streets or be out after 9pm, what 'bout the people who go clubbing than? Isn't it really unsafe for them?


Well-known member
I guess you take your chances don't you? Sadly here, as i am sure in many countries, we have men who pretend to be taxi drivers, and therefore pick up girls who are "out of it" after a night clubbing or pubbing, and then rape/mug/whatever them, Scummy men.
It would be good if we could walk the streets regardless of time, light or location without fearing other people


Well-known member
Bexi said:
Sadly here, as i am sure in many countries, we have men who pretend to be taxi drivers, and therefore pick up girls who are "out of it" after a night clubbing or pubbing, and then rape/mug/whatever them

:x how horrible people!!


LeapFrog said:
Some people are fucked up. "Chavs" should not be allowed to breed.

Dont take this personaly Bexi or leapfrog, i know both of you probaly ment no harm.But it made me a bit sad to see stereotypeing (spelling?) going on.I get pissed of with people calling me a chav, just because i like the fashion that a lot of the guys in my age range do, the media spot that theres a trend to how young guys dress who get in trouble with the police, and suddenly because we all dress the same, were all cider drinking hooligans who hang about outside late shop's mugging old ladies..

sorry rant over..

As much as i want to agree with you Bexi about the removing of rapists body parts ect... I know you were probaly mucking about saying that, but imagine for a moment that would happen ok? Sadly that would make them more determined not to get caught, hence probaly turning rape's (which are bad enough) into murder aswell as they wouldnt risk leaving a witness. :(

Pitkreet, i agree with you that the system a lot of the time lets "career" criminals basicaly get away with offending time and time again, and that it doesnt seem to solve the problem.But on the other side of the coin, when you get sent down, you loose your home (if you lived on your own), and also the guys who do actualy want to sort themselves out, have a hard time doing so, because its not easy finding work when you have a criminal record, so homeless and unable to work, im not trying to justify it but i can see why some of these guys end up slipping back into there old ways.Oh and benefits, these guys will be on j.s.a, which is just over £40 pounds a week so its not like there living it large.

Wow sorry for the long ass post everyone, and Kezada sorry to hear that crap happend to you.


Well-known member
Thats a terrible thing to happen!. I hope you are o.k and I am glad to see that you could defend yourself.

By the way what is a 'Chav'?