Another day at work, but it was a bit different today.


Active member
Well for another day I've managed to push myself through the work hours. I have a fairly easy job as I am a new employee (I just started last week) and have some learning to do.

Generally I just sit in front of my computer waiting for something to happen.
I also have some uknown quantity of papers to go through, sort, and store in folders (I'm like a secretary, (laughing out loud,) but I'm also a guy :/) because they are important documents for the company that haven't been gone through for about 5 years. Way to celebrate a new employee, give him the most boring job in the world.
But it's fine with me as I get to do something and not just sit and stare at the computer screen when I "should" talk and be social like everyone else at the office. Anyway.

Today I decided to drop by the store before I went to work so I could buy some lunch (I don't like buying food in the cantina, nor to eat with the others). So I got what I wanted and went to wait in line.

Finally it was my turn and I looked up. There sat the most beatiful girl I'd ever seen :O So I got a red face :( She spoke to me and I could hear that she had to force the words out (kinda) and I thought: :O this girl is exactly like me!
She was very shy, like me, and I didn't know what to do so I payed and left :(

I think I will go back to that store tomorrow and buy something, just to see her again. I will also study to see if it was only my imagination or if it's really true, that we are quite similar in personalty traits.
So I'm really exited to have probably found someone who reminds me of myself. And more so, the opposite sex :)

Anyway, moving along into the day, it's now three hours until I can finally go home.
So this colleague of mine walks up to me and she starts to speak.. with me! :O
This was a really odd experience to me as I am not used with people coming to have a chat with me, just because.
So I again didn't know what to do. But she kept on talking about stuff and asked how I felt about work and other stuff like that. I really had no intention of speaking with anyone today so I was very off guard when this happened. But I immediately recognized this person as someone that I can trust and it made me really happy I almost started to cry :oops:
I really hope that she didn't notice as that would be very embarrasing, I'm a guy after all.

So anyway, this was probably the best day I've had.

And sorry about this long post, I just felt that I needed to let someone know.
hey that's great, man! Yeah you should definetly go back to the store tomorrow to see her...if I found a girl that reminded me of myself I'd pretty much do anything to at least get to know her..

And yeah I love it when girls try to talk to me..makes me feel awesome, even though I always end up coming across as a jerk who doesn't wanna talk -.-


Well-known member
I <3 the " <3-story " :D
maybe you could ask the girl something like "hey, where can I find the sandwiches ? " should definitely break the ice xD

maybe she isn't that shy, but she was just overwhelmed by the hot guy in front of here :p


Active member
Yea I am pretty hot. :roll: Actually I drew myself some months ago, and uploaded it to deviantart if anyone's interested [link].

So the girl wasn't in the store this morning. So I was excited about nothing.. maybe she quit :?
I'll have a go tomorrow morning again. Otherwise I think she'll be there at 9:45am on tuesday (which was when I first saw her (only it was this week)). Aww.. I feel like a stalker now.
It would suck if I went there every morning just to see her. I'd end up with no money at all.

Also thanks for the kind words, I feel more confident that getting to know her is the right thing to do. I'll try the sandwiches catchup line ;) But I probably won't be able to say a word.