

Today I had my very first talk with my doctor about my SA and let me tell you I feel so good now that someone else knows about it and that I will soon be getting help! While talking with my doctor he told me that anger is usually the cause of many types of anxiety which kind of surprised me because I would have never linked the two together. I have a great deal anger, even hate, towards my father because he has verbally abused me since I was very young, and to this day he still does it. I get extremely pissed when he does this because I see him as being a coward and a weak man for making me, his own son, feel like total garbage. I have a good feeling that this may be what is causing my SA because it would make sense, I get extremely anxious whenever he returns from work and I am constantly avoiding him in my own house by hiding away in my room. I will be seeing a psychiatrist very soon so hopefully he will be able to confirm this.

Anyone else have a lot of anger towards someone or something and think it may be the cause of your anxiety?


Well-known member
Yeah man, i know what you mean. I too kinda can't help but dislike my dad after he's physically abused me since being a kid. Problem is he can't show love, interest, or any feeling, and therefore is to ignorant of my own upbringing, if i didn't have a loving mum, i wonder where the hell i'd be 8O . . . .. lol dare i say dead! But yeah, i hope your mums a good towards ya, and you got others to talk to. Having someone to tell a problem to always helps though, and gives you a sense of relief, so thats good to hear. I don't think anger towards my dad has caused my anxiety . . . because it's only as i matured and grew up that i realised how wrong abuse is, and how unworthy i am of it . . . . . but hatred most certainly doesn't make your sa feel better sadly.


Fortunately I do have a very loving mother and she has defended me from my father when he has gotten out of control. Like yourself, if it wasn't for her I honesly think I wouldn't be here today. Also like yourself, I feel that my father is totally incapable of showing true love towards anyone. However, it isn't his fault and I actually feel bad for him sometimes. My dad is muslim and shares very different beliefs than most people do here. He is constantly picked on at work because of it, but still to take it out on your own family is pretty low. There are other elements to the story but I would be going on forever. He is taking meds for depression and paranoia and he is getting better, but there are still times where he totally loses it and goes on a rampage. I just wish he could be normal for once.


Well-known member
I have a great deal anger, even hate, towards my father because he has verbally abused me since I was very young, and to this day he still does it. I get extremely pissed when he does this because I see him as being a coward and a weak man for making me, his own son, feel like total garbage. I have a good feeling that this may be what is causing my SA because it would make sense, I get extremely anxious whenever he returns from work and I am constantly avoiding him in my own house by hiding away in my room. I will be seeing a psychiatrist very soon so hopefully he will be able to confirm this.

Anyone else have a lot of anger towards someone or something and think it may be the cause of your anxiety?[/quote]

I feel the same way about my mom. Except she doesn't work and I don't go to school so pretty much any move I make gets noticed and then comes all the crap that I've put up with all my life :roll: I'm getting to the point where I can see through her words and they mean less the more she says them. She turns all her shit in to an attack on everything I do when I don't do anything out of the ordinary...


Well-known member
my father also is verbally abusive to me since childhood. for example:im a pretty good soccer player and even when i play well he says some like "the other team was weak" or "your opposite player was´nt barely able to run"... this in sport. but he says this things to me in every sphere of my life. he is alway making me look small.. for 24 years now. i think i will move out of the house soon