Among the peers - what a discomfort for the phobics!


Well-known member

I feel uncomfortable among my peers, do you have the same? It's horrible thing, especially in the teen age; but being, chattering and fooling around with others is normal thing for average teens, even it's some kind of need, don't you think so?

And what an irony, that the normal nice joy means an ordeal for the socially-anxious! And that they so often avoid it!

Happy, who have got SA only later and could at least enjoy this time fully...

And the worst is, that the crushing maiority DOESN'T understand it at all and their opinion about us is rather easy to guess... :( :oops:


Well-known member
I am really happy to have some not-so-social (how else do I put it?) people around and to actually call them my friends. One of them is my classmate, which is cool, as I have somebody to be with during the schooltime. Don't know what would I do (don't know what would I be) without my shy friends. I guess I do not feel too uncomfortable around my peers anymore. I just sometimes cannot connect with them enough. I used to think I was weird - now I consider myself non-cliché (look, Sue made up a neologism :wink: ). Am I anti-social? No. I only treasure time spent alone. Am I shy? I am not. I only like to take time and be careful while building a relationship. Am I unable to have fun? Not at all. I only enjoy different things than a cliché-teenager. So no no no I don't feel uncomfortable among my peers. I am different, but I am not scared of being different. (At least not so much :wink: ).

(Oh, if only all this were true :lol: :lol: )


Well-known member

Well, I've a few people (or at least one) who I'm not so "phobicly-paralysed inside" with, you know... But I still feel a bit ineasy then... :lol:
Maybe it's somewhat because of my being the only child? Or maybe I'm simply an avoidant personality too? I find it difficult to make any new contacts and relationships, it's sad and so miserable... :(

But among some stranger peers I feel really phobicly, it's horrible thing. It's far more strong anxiety than when I'm among stranger adults - maybe it's also connected with my "only-childness". It seems probable.

Any others, who feel the same?

But I'm glad you have so as you've written. And hope that at least the maiority of this is true. ;)


Well-known member
Marvolo said:

I feel uncomfortable among my peers, do you have the same? It's horrible thing, especially in the teen age; but being, chattering and fooling around with others is normal thing for average teens, even it's some kind of need, don't you think so?

And what an irony, that the normal nice joy means an ordeal for the socially-anxious! And that they so often avoid it!

Happy, who have got SA only later and could at least enjoy this time fully...

And the worst is, that the crushing maiority DOESN'T understand it at all and their opinion about us is rather easy to guess... :( :oops:
ale pieprzysz glupoty marwolo. Nie wiem po co piszesz ciagle o tym samym, te same tematy ktore poruszales na innym forum. wez lepiej rusz dupe i zajmij sie czyms a nie tylko w kolko uzalasz sie nad soba i swoim marnym losem. szykuj sie lepiej do wojska bo pewnie zaraz po maturze wyladujesz w koszarach hehe ;D


i wish i had shy friends but all mine r rlly outgoing bcuz i mean a shy person n a shy person r never gonna talk 2 each other lol all my friends started talkin 2 me its hard cuz they get annoyed when i wont do certian things or im timid or whatever cuz they dont understand.


Well-known member
I can relate. At my job i see mostly older customers and dont have that much problem with them considering I am an SA.

The problem is with my own age group. And like that one girl said I also wish I could meet people like the friends I have met online here; but the reality is the odds of that happening are not good. People like us I guess stay in the shadows and dont bring attention to our selvs.


Well-known member
I can relate. At my job i see mostly older customers and dont have that much problem with them considering I am an SA.

The problem is with my own age group. And like that one girl said I also wish I could meet people like the friends I have met online here; but the reality is the odds of that happening are not good. People like us I guess stay in the shadows and dont bring attention to our selvs.


Well-known member
Marwolo sweetheart don't take care about such that mundane things and rednecks, who don't understand your social phobic behaviour. Learn a lot, be nice to your parents and everything will be good, cause other things are not so important as You may think. Your parents love you and do their best for you so don't let them down and be the best schoolboy hehe :D


Well-known member
I see. Yes...

Hm, maybe the problem is that young people (peers) are more spontain and open - these features are but so foreign to the phobics!

Yes, those are, I think, the basis of the young-peers-anxiety.

Cheers for you!