am i pregnant??


Active member
hey i know its probaly all in my head but 4 yall that have gotten pregnant could u plzzzz tell me how u knew and stuff. cuz 5 days ago i lost my virginity but we did it more than once w/ no condom or nuthin :/ and im young n really small so i cant have a baby! the only reason i think i am is cuz i was startin my period right b4 the wkend n now i never did n ive been lightheaded n dizzy n had a headache and been tired n bleeding a little but not much idk and its kinda scary cuz this guy was 24 n hes had sex w/ alotta diff girls n what if i got a disease or something?? omg thatd b even worst i think. but i was drunk and not thinkin. id take a pregnancy test but i dont think they can tell for 2-3 wks.


Well-known member

t0keR: You can find out on the first day that your period was due. You need to do this as soon as possible, so that you know what course of action will be. You may not be having a period, but you could be bleeding because you lost your virginity. Please, go to a well woman clinic and find out. I hope that everything is ok for you. I was young when I lost my virginity and it seems in more or less the same circumstances as yourself. It was suspected that I was pregnant too as my period didn't come the week later. It turned out ok in the end though.

For everyone: Condoms should be worn at all times when having sex with people that you are not sure of. If your partner wont cover, then don't bother!

May I also point out that a woman can pregnat at anytime. Whether it be two days before her period, or two days after. A woman CAN also get pregant during her period. THis is something that needs to be known as many might think its ok to have unprotected sex at that time.



Active member
thanks to yall that DID help :? i decieded im just not gonna say or think about it for 2 wks then I'll take a pregnancy test and I'll let you know. its crazy i knno i should b prayin its negative but im not, well kinda, kinda not omg how am i gonna wait that long to know tho?? alright I'll shut up lol


Active member
its fine, i really dont kno y i did it but i was drunk cuz i KNO sober i wouldnt of even so much as kissed! and not at all do i want 2 b pregnant! my family prob would stop talkin 2 me 1. for havin sex n gettin pregnant and 2. cuz the babyll either b black or mexican n my familys pretty rasist. :? i just meant i cant help hoping idk y im not making ne sense i kno i mean im 16 but its wierd i feel my life has no meaning and i guess having a babyll give it meaning?? idk and something ive noticed is i hardly have any SA AT ALL if i have a baby or little kid w/ me idk y that either lol n i just rlly love babies n ive already raised my 6 yr old sister but sry 2 keep goin on n on sounds dumb 2 kinda hope 4 a positive i kno but itll prob b negative...


Well-known member
I just wanted to say that I could sort of relate to your situation. When I lost my virginity, I was also drinking. I was most likely older than you though - 21. I know that it would have been difficult for me to do anything sexual/intimate while sober. But, the person wore a condom- so it was a more responsible situation.

Also, I have had a couple of pregnancy scares- they both occured in the month of January oddly enough. I was showing alot of the symptoms- spotting, headaches, tiredness, etc. About a month and a half later I decided that I would take the pregnancy test - as advised by a friend. He told me that I was worrying myself so much that my period was the reason for the further delay. And sure enough, when I took the test (neg), I got my period shortly after.

So, in all, you could be stressing yourself out to the point where you are showing symptoms. Or the symptoms themselves might just be something else - like an approaching period. Sometimes an approaching period has the same symptoms as pregnancy.