

Do any of you have allergies?

Well I do.. I'm allergic to practically everything.. I can't go out to eat, when I walk into a supermarket 99% of everything there is off limits to me because of my allergies.... I hate it. Some days during summer I can't go outside because of the pollen....

I feel like there's no place for me, I feel like my allergies (flour, milk, vegetables (specielly raw), fruits (same there) fish, egg, seafood, pollen, furry animals, blah blah etc.etc asthma, eksema etc.) determine what I can and cannot do. I feel like I have no say. I feel like the only time I'm safe is when I'm isolated from the world.

I feel so completely different from everybody else. My life is very restricted.

Aaaaargh. I didn't mean for this to be a "self-pity" post.... just wanna know if there are more people here who are allergic to "everything".