

New member
I'm a new user to this forum. I've been living with SAD for about 20 years now (at 36 years of age)...I've been on Celexa for about the last 3. My problem is that I still like to drink. I'm told that its not good for me...but I still feel the need to drink when I go to bars...I like how I feel when I drink, but I hate the after effect (mentally, as well as physically). I know its doing damage to my body...its like I still have this mental block that tells me I need to drink when in party can I stop??


Well-known member
Hi Ringo - i just really wanted to welcome you. I don't know what to do about your alcohol situation - i don't drink myself - due to being a quasi paranoid control freak. Are you getting help with your anxiety though - if you address that maybe you wont feel a need to drink.

hey ringo you have to make a effort to stop drinking totally.alcohol is a big factor in continuing to suffer from have to make changes,i know its scary but you can do will find once you stop drinking that you will have to fill your time with more positive ways to get out that energy.dont avoid social situations but ease into them without will get easier.


Well-known member
Yes I would recommend dealing with your anxiety. Also, might be a good idea for you to stay away from the bars if you don't like the drinking habit.

hey harvey awsome to hear about stopping drinking.even happier to hear that things are getting better.yes lots of people self medicate especially with alcohol because it is socially acceptable. Keep going and dont give up things will keep getting better.make sure you get enough sleep and get into a routine and stick to it. get some exersize too,you need something to replace that alcohol. that is a problem when people stop drinking they take something away and dont replace it with something positive then go back to drinking cause they dont know how to live without it. good luck


Active member
Hi Ringo and welcome to the forums. I'm know you will find many friendly people here. I can relate to your drinking problem, as I have the same problem. I'm about 10 years younger than you, but I have had my own fair share of problems relating to alcohol (plenty of hours in the drunk tank, detox, fights, and brutal hangovers). You've probably tried this option but I'll bring it up just in case. The longest I ever did go without alcohol was through AA. And it's definitely hard for people in our situation to go to meetings, but I rarely ever spoke out during a meeting myself. I don't know what it was, but it seemed to work for me when I was going. Just a thought. Best of luck of to you buddy. :)


Well-known member
party weakness

party situations have always been a weakness for me. i cannot remember myself going to a party or club once without drinking. if I don't get a drink, i will end up crying somewhere in a corner.

by the way, i have a whole forum devoted to people like you who have trouble with partying/clubbing situations...


Well-known member
Drinking helps people with SA loosen up a little. Even though it hardly works for me, I do it for that reason from time to time