Alcohol dependancy to socialize?


I've smoked a lot of weed and drank as much alcohol as the average teenager does these days. (perhaps a lot more weed than most actually) But I've found I was relying on the stuff to socialize and to have even a bit of a good time. I could not go without a substance. Now I have a drink or two and I don't smoke weed anymore, but I find it incredibly hard to hold myself back, I'm so tempted to fall back into my old routines. They feel comfotable but only because I would be blocking out the reality of my life. Drop a line if you've also experienced substance dependancy. It is quite common with social phobia so I'm sure there are many out there

Cool :)


Active member
I know what you mean, just blurring the reality to feel pseudo-confident. I've had a few times at parties when I've certainly gone too far (only with alcohol), especially once when I had to be picked up by my dad coz I was seriously f***ed up and being sick everywhere. At the very least I did learn from that embarrassing and shameful episode, and have never been drunk to such an ugly extent since. Until I do begin to feel the effects of alcohol at parties, though, I am just nervous, don't want to make eye contact, and just really don't know how to act.


I know what you mean, just blurring the reality to feel pseudo-confident. I've had a few times at parties when I've certainly gone too far (only with alcohol), especially once when I had to be picked up by my dad coz I was seriously f***ed up and being sick everywhere. At the very least I did learn from that embarrassing and shameful episode, and have never been drunk to such an ugly extent since. Until I do begin to feel the effects of alcohol at parties, though, I am just nervous, don't want to make eye contact, and just really don't know how to act.

I've had so many blurred and shameful nights in the past it's difficult to count. Know exactly what you mean, you do things and act like a complete idiot. Most times I would wake up and instantly feel huge anxiety about what I had done or said the night before. Other times people would tell me and then tell others at my school which just made it far worse. Also I was really rude in these drunken states. Thanks for sharing, my Psychiatrist says it is important to build up social skills without the help of a substance otherwise we may never get there, or a serious drinking problem could occur. Best of luck.