

I am an eighteen year old female from Minnesota and I think I have had generalized (or generic) social phobia since I was six. I say "I think" because how in the world is someone who feels like me going to make it into a psychologists office?!
I graduated from one of the smallest high schools in my city in May (so glad to be done with that!) and now I am freaking out daily thinking about college. Move in day is the 23rd of August. Waaaaaaay too soon.
I read a book this past week called "Shy Children, Phobic Adults" and reading about other people like my is starting to scare me. I keep reading about people who drink to get through social situations, who develop schizophrenia, suffer through school and college, never get jobs, never get married, pass their condition on to their children, etc. I don't want to be like this!
Has anyone here recovered from SP? even if they had it as a child?