Advice please really anxious


I've never had it this bad before I was really nervous(happened in a psychology class as well :roll: )
during a presentation. I got up there and I could feel myself turn scarlet and my heart I could feel and I could hear it pounding plus I started shaking so much that the I had to hold the paper still with my other hand (didn't help much by the way) My voice was shaky as well.

Thing is I have an important presentation (15% of grade) on the 28th and I NEED to get this under control for the presentation. I need advice please what could help me relax and not get like that during the Presentation????
I don't have a problem talking with people in the class alone and not standing infront of them but when there all quiet and staring it really freaks me out for some reason. I just I always feel the nerves and I don't know how to stop them... :( Any tips?


Well-known member
1. Practice until you can say the presentation backwards. (figuratively)
2. If this is possible, come into the room when nobody is around and do a "dress rehearsal".
3. Don't drink caffeine on the day of
4. Look above the people, not right at them.
5. Try not to worry if you're blushing. It might not be as visible as you think, especially from a distance, and you're not the only blusher.
6. Don't focus on your nervousness, focus on the words you're saying and what they mean.

Hope something helps. Good luck!


Well-known member
You could try to get your hands on some propranolol, altough you would need a doctor's prescription. Another way to get it is to order it online without prescription, and if your presentation is on the 15th of Dec, you should have enough time to get it.

Propranolol can be taken on stressful occasions, it will eliminate the heart pounding which will make you overall more relax and help with your shaking voice aswell.

Try a search on google for propranolol stage fright, or propranolol anixety.

Hope this helps.


Thank you Helyna I'll try what you said...

Angel_of_Death Thanxs for the advice but it's on the 28th of november sooo...don't know if anything would get to the UK by then...

I'll let you know how it goes...


I lasted 20 minutes by some miracle...Got nervous and was talking way too fast and mouth went dry so that didn't help...couldn't breath right before hand though...The main thing is they understood what i was saying and could hear me so that's good.