Advice on what to do for a fellow londonner


Active member

I'm grateful a forum like this exists , it's quite reassuring to now that we aren't alone suffering from SAD... There seems to be more and more people with this condition nowadays...

Anyways , I've just moved in London recently , I have been living most of my life in France ( since age 5 up to now ) but I decided to move back here so that I could have a change of scenery and practice my English which got a bit rusty I think!

I have been diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder and have associated major depression and generalized anxiety. I'm staying with relatives at the moment but I will have to find my own place to live in soon and I'm getting very anxious about how I'm going to stay in London.

Here is my situation : I have currently no job , I'm 25 , left uni during first year ( I was in my early twenties ) because of my anxiety and haven't done much ever since , living like a hermit most of the time...

But I decided to get my act together and try to have a more positive attitude to deal with my problems.

I'm wondering about different things :

1)What benefits am I entitled to ? I went to the Citizen Advice Bureau and I was told I might get Housing Benefits & Employment and support Allowance.
Will this allow me to sustain in London while I can find a way to make more money ?

2) Living place : where do you think I should be looking in order to find a place to live ? I've tried Gumtree , spareroom for flatshares but haven't had any success so far... My budget is 120p/week maximum.

3) Where should I look for jobs , are there any jobs that are friendly for people with SAD ? Should I try to talk to a disability advisor in job centres?

My aim would be to get back in part-time education and have a part-time job as well , but I need to start a drug treatment soon so I'm trying to take things at my own pace.

I'm seeing a therapist at the moment to have some support but I'm very anxious about the financial situation...

Any advices would be very appreciated,


PS : As I'm quite new to London I would be happy to meet up with new people , if anyone is from London maybe we could have a chat?

Well-known member
I'm not really too sure about your first might get some advice from talking more with the Citizens Advice bureau or someone who specifically deals with benefits and housing allowance.

Have you tried They often have flatshare postings

Ad as for jobs...again it might be a good idea to talk to someone at a job centre or somewhere who deals more with that kinda stuff. Make them aware of your situation so they can help find something that you'd be happy with.
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New member
Hey I'm from London west London Ealing Acton wembley uxbridge ect are all areas I'm familiar with when u get here there are plenty of room to rent you will see the ads on the corner shop windows ect as for jobs not sa friendly but plenty of bar work available