Advice on overcoming a consuming fear..


New member
I apologise if this is in the wrong place, not to sure of where things go right now.
I am struggling big time, my main struggle is fear..fear of most things. My counselor seems to think it is related to the OCD, but I am not so sure and really calling it something doesn't help...I just need to find a way to cope with it.
I have always been terrified of loosing someone I love, which makes me over protective and it is a place in my mind that as I tell my counselor you would not want to be..well then I started fearing my death, but only because I wouldn't be able to take care of those I love who need me...But now I am getting terrified at the thought of my own death and it seeming very real to me..Whether it be that I think I am going to have an aneurysm (sp?) because of a twitch or pain in my side, or my head is going to explode when having a headach..fear of heart attack and just anything that could happen. My fears are escalated at night for some reason in everything I am fearful of and have never been able to figure that one out, but everything that would seem unreal to me in the daylight, seems real at night..
Sorry, I don't want to turn this post into a chapter, so I'm trying to keep it short, but does anyone have any coping advice for this gripping fear of death..


New member
Well, there are times with ocd when you know your fears or behaviors are not rational, and talking it out to myself sometimes helps..but in this instance death is an inevitable and lately seems it is right at the door..
I to into a panic when these thoughts come and I have to find a way to get it under control along with my number of other issues, because I am a single mother of four and I can't have my mind consumed with so much garbage any longer


Well-known member
I've said it before I'll say it again, 100% of the time you debate whether or not you have OCD, you have OCD. Do these worries and fears consume more than one hour of your day? If the answer is yes, it is probably an obsession within your mind that repeats itself over and over.