Advice needed


New member
Hi everyone
I have been browsing this forum for the last two days and decided to ask you good people for a little advice.
I suffer from a very mild case of palmar/plantar HH which is mainly triggered by stress and I was wondering about the ionto treatments. Is it only in severe cases that there is no or only little effect? And would that mean that it would work well for me? If it turns out that the sweating is merely caused by stress and is not actually HH would it be harmful to try ionto?
Hope some of you will be able to help me.


Well-known member
Hi there maybe. This is a difficult question to answer. If your hh is only triggered when stressed then you might need other methods of combating it like councilling, hypnotherapy or medication to help you become more relaxed when you know your going to have a stressful day or be able to tackle stressful situations better. At the moment I wouldn't try ionto treatments on your hands and feet yet because there not sweating all the time. Try something like Odaban, spray it on at night and see how that goes. Ionto treatments wouldn't be harmful at all, the only problem I see is it might dry your hands and feet too much as there not sweating all the time-only in times of stress. good luck


New member
Thank you very much for the advice :D But I have already tried another aluminium chloride product and the effect was minimal and not very long-lasting. Is there a big difference between the various products out there?
And also if I were to try the ionto anyway, would be possible to just do the maintenance treatments less often in order to avoid the drying out?


Well-known member
Hi again,
if you've tried aluminium products with not much success then give ionto treatment a try. I use the idromed 4 GS and its very good. At first I used everyday for 10-15 minutes for about 2 weeks for the initial treatments (you have to do the initial treatments) and now I do 2 treatments a week. The amount of treatments all come down to the individual so you'll have to experiment and see what works best but you'll probably only have to do 1 treatment a week, again its all down to the individual. As for different machines I think they all use the same technology the only product that you should avoid is the drionic-you can't put your whole hand or foot in the water because of its design-really stupid. Its cheaper than the idromed but that's because its rubbish :D