about to go out to a club, im so scaredddd


Well-known member
im so scared beacuse of SA and i didnt wanna tel my friend no cause he'd be like why dont u wanna go and i cant tell him i have SA. so now im in this mess. been to clubs b4 and hate it. i dont dance and definetly have never tried picking up girls which is what my friend entends on doing to night. i screwed myself now hes coming to get me and i just know this is gonna suck. i will post up how it goes tomarrow. i got my fingures crossed even tho i know its gonna be horriable.


Well-known member
tupac, i'm like that too...hate going out...if i had no choice but to go, this is what i would do....sit near a wall or something, sit near the bathroom so i don't have to walk by tons of people to get there(i hate bein checked out and looked at 8O ) and i would probably have a drink or two before i go to relax a little... and remember it's usually pretty dark in there and most people there are drinking and preoccupied...good luck :!: :D


Well-known member
My sympathies are with you tupac, clubbing can be fun if you're in the right frame of mind, but if you just don't want to be there its hard to find a place to be alone.

I tend to bury myself in trying new drinks alone, smoking cigarettes or just people watching. You can make it fun if you want... :) Good luck.


Well-known member
ya it wasnt as bad i thought it would be. i pretty much just kept to myself except i had to talk to this chick cause my friend was talking with these two girls and well i had to go with em. i made just normal conversation and it was fine at first but then there was long moments of silence(this is when SA really was at its peak that day) and i realized i didnt even introduce myself, i didnt even know her name. then they left and i just sat around the rest of the night. o well they might have though i was shy or didnt know what i was doing but at least i didnt make a fool of myself so it was alright.


Active member
I've only been 3 times and I will never go through that torture again! Especially when you have friends who love to dance. I remember I was left alone cos they wanted to dance and I swear I suffered an anxiety attack. :(

And than there was this ugly guy who approached me and I thought "THANK GOD, I GOT SOMEONE TO TALK TO....AT LEAST!!". I got real desperate and I promised I would never put myself thru that again! :roll:


Well-known member
I am going out tomorrow night too! And believe me it is torture! I tend to drink a lot before I go, loosens me up. Its not the real me but its torture without it.


Well-known member

I am gald tupac and nergirl178 went out. That is still a good step. It can be frustrating when you are in a party setting and you are byself thinking I loook Lonely and foolish. I usually have a drink or two and go line myself up next to other guys that are standing around checking out the females. Yeh you guys are right at parties tend to be dark in there for I myself hate bright lights at parties. I prefer coffe shops near a window that is not packed so I can people watch and read and try to feel good instead of staying home all the time.


Well-known member

I am gald tupac and nergirl178 went out. That is still a good step. It can be frustrating when you are in a party setting and you are byself thinking I loook Lonely and foolish. I usually have a drink or two and go line myself up next to other guys that are standing around checking out the females. Yeh you guys are right at parties tend to be dark in there for I myself hate bright lights at parties. I prefer coffe shops near a window that is not packed so I can people watch and read and try to feel good instead of staying home all the time.


Well-known member
AnnaMaria said:
And than there was this ugly guy who approached me and I thought "THANK GOD, I GOT SOMEONE TO TALK TO....AT LEAST!!".


No doubt there are people who think that you are ugly too. Real beauty lies in the heart.


Active member
In my opinion, people can be divided into those who think they're beautiful and those who think they're ugly. In this case, offense will be taken depending on which side you are on right now (it doesn't have to be all the time).

Anyway, I wouldn't want a guy to approach me just because I'm not pretty enough to pose a threat. For instance, it'd be awful if he thought "Well, at least I can talk to someone, even though she looks like a mess."

My two cents 8O


Well-known member
Re: Ouch

Danfalc said:
Gettingthere that was a bit f*****g bitchy really wasnt it?

That was a tad harsh of me.

Point is though that everyone on this forum is here because of the way that we perceive others to be thinking of us. If we ourselves are judgemental and shallow then we are only contributing to the very thing which has caused (and still causes) us grief.

So I thought "bugger it" I'll make a stand on this one, strike a blow for freedom. Viva le revolution.


Well-known member
I LOVE to go out to the club, but that is because I make sure I have had enough to drink (before or during the experience --usually a little something before entering the club). If I didn't drink at all, I would be a wreck! When I drink, I am told that I am so much fun to go out with, I dance, wear, and do whatever without feeling self-conscious, get hit on, and get to escape shyness for awhile. This sounds bad, but I love alcohol.


Gettingthere, i can see the point you were trying to make okay? you could of just been a bit more tactfull thats all im trying to say


Well-known member
Danfalc said:
Gettingthere, i can see the point you were trying to make okay? you could of just been a bit more tactfull thats all im trying to say

Yeah, you're right. I'm as subtle as a sledgehammer sometimes...