a way to not blush


Well-known member
Hi, i understand how much it sucks to blush at anything. i mean, if some one looks at me that i don't know i turn red!
i tried it all-i would stay up all night so that i'd be pale the next day.
i wouldn't eat for a few days and boy that worked. i was too out of it and weak to blush.
so those did not work. then it hit me. i realized i could buy make up. it seems so obvious now!! i bought some pale shades and dark shades of cover up (the powder kind) and just smeared it on. i was all "oh what a phony i am". but then i went to school and i was still shy but i did feel better. my skin is still lightly pink but much better. so wear the mask because your behind a mask of your own self already. this will cover your face-but give you some confidence. wahoo. love cyndi


Well-known member

That's definately a good tip for women with SP. Women are lucky. You can use make-up...I don't think that this would help me cause I'm a guy (Not that you suggested that men should wear makeup.) I would like to get over my SP, but I'm not going to wear makeup. If I did get caught wearing make-up around other people, then I would really really blush. :oops:

So I think I just wear a paper bag over my head that way no one will know who I am and if I'm blushing. LOL!


Hi Orl.
Hey, the paper bag is my technique.It really works, but don't forget the eye holes, so you can see where you are going !!!


Well-known member

Thanks for the advice. I was wondering why I was bumping into walls and falling down stairs. You women are very lucky. Make-up is a lot more safer! (LOL) :wink:


Well-known member
Hi, I can just picture you wearing a paper bag. I blush alot but don't worry about it anymore. I personally am not into makeup as I live in a very warm climate and perspire alot so that isn't really an option for me, only makes my face break out in pimples. I have found that since I have been working on overcoming my shyness and building my self confidence up it doesn't happen as much anymore, either that or I'm not as self conscious about blushing like I used to be.


Well-known member
I personally can't stand make up. Makes me feel like I'm hiding even more which is the exact thing I shouldn't be doing anymore.
My face always goes red. Its done it for so long that I'm more used to it than worried now. I get the 'Your face has gone well red', 'Awww she's blushing she must fancy him' or 'are you feeling well, too hot in here?' and its embarassing but If I'm able to answer back with something funny then usually I get left alone pretty soon afterwards.

Make up is good if its a confidence boost though. It's one less thing to worry about.
If you're at home through, sometimes putting something cold on your cheeks helps the redness.


Well-known member
I have the same problem. Instead of finding a solution so you don't blush (it's very difficult) I'd advice you not to attach importance to the fact when you are blushing. This way it will be like a natural thing


Well-known member
If you fear being noticed blushing in a social situation, the "cure" for you isn't to try harder not to blush -- this is the pith and substance of your anxiety. Instead, you should just GIVE IN! "Normal" people blush all the time and it just doesn't bother them - it's a normal part of life.

I am a "normal" person and I blush quite a bit - but I know that nobody ever notices and even if they did -- they would think nothing of it. If someone makes a comment about it - it doesn't affect me at all -- I don't care one way or the other if I blush or if someone notices.

The next time you're blushing and you fear someone noticing, call attention to it. Say: "Look at how red I'm getting, I must really like you." Make a joke about it.

Stop trying to hide your blushing -- it's exactly what's causing the blushing.


Well-known member
If my memory serves me, I believe this is close to what's called 'paradoxical intent'. If you fear you will blush, you will blush, but if you _try_ to blush, it (supposedly) will be more difficult - though I have to admit I've not been able to put this theory into practice.

I would not entirely agree with your statement: "Normal" people blush all the time.
If this were true I'm sure I'd have seen much more of it.


Well-known member
I would not entirely agree with your statement: "Normal" people blush all the time. If this were true I'm sure I'd have seen much more of it.

This belief: "Blushing is apparent to others." Is part of the cognitive complex that creates your problem. Of course you believe this -- you have a problem. If you didn't believe this, you wouldn't have the problem that you have.

The simple fact that you very rarely ever observe people blushing should make you step back and say to yourself, "blushing is very rarely noticeable to anybody else except the person experiencing it." How many times have you noticed people blushing around you? A handful of times? Do you think that in your entire life you've only ever encountered a handful of people who blush?

I have NEVER noticed someone blushing, but I do not believe it's because nobody ever blushes -- I know that this is not true because I know that I blush ALL THE TIME. The conclusion that I draw and the conclusion that is closest to the mark is that people's faces get flushed all the time but it is just not apparent or noteworthy.

Ask your "normal" friends if they blush. If they say "No I don't blush," check their pulse to see if they are a corpse. Only corpses don't blush. Normal people blush but don't mind doing so and don't mind being noticed. People with "social anxiety disorder" blush but think they are freaks of nature and want to hide the fact that they blush.

You're much more normal than you think you are. The only difference between you and other people are that you don't think you're ok and they do.


One girl tellme about a green make up that is good to not blush. I don't had use it but many girls says that it's good.


One girl tellme about a green make up that is good to not blush. I don't had use it (but many girls says that it's good) because i think that a green make up is not the solution. The problem is really big. Blush is only a little part of a big... big... BIG.. PROBLEM.