A successful treatment for me!!


New member
I'm a 23 year old female and I've dealt with sweaty hands for as long as I remember. I finally decided to go to a dermatologist because I wanted to talk about the surgery. She suggest I try some medications and topical things before I would resort to the surgery. She had me try Robinul (generic is glycopyrolate). I started out with 1 pill a day 2 years ago....Now I take about 2 to 3 a day depending on how hot it is outside. I'm am proud to say that I hardly sweat at all....anywhere...hands, feet, face, armpits....I barely sweat ever. There are a few side effects to the medicine. My throat tends to get dry so I try to carry around a bottle of water. Also, it can sometime make me sleepy, especially if I drink alcohol. I just wanted to write in so maybe I could help someone or at least give them an idea of what has cured my sweating problem. It has literally changed my life. I couldn't be happier.


Wow, this makes me excited. I always really brushed pills and creams off like they couldn't help me, without actually trying them. But it seems that they can really do wonders. I'm really excited to start trying these out, as I have resolved never to get the surgery. Ever.

About the no sweating at all thing. Isn't that kind of bad for your body, though? To not sweat at all?
Hey that's great! Robinul is probably the best one with least side effects. Unfortunately we can't get it here in the UK (unless we buy avert online).


Hey, thats great!
Is it the same as avert then pinker?? Could we order that online and get it delivered to the UK?? Or do you know of any oral thngs we can try in the UK?? Can you just go to your Dr and say 'I wanna try this' and they let you?
sorry for the 20 questions!


New member
As for the no sweating question.....I do sweat when necessary. Like when I work out, but under normal circumstances I rarely sweat. I think when your body needs to sweat, it will. I haven't had any problems. You are supposed to be careful when you take it though. Read up on the side effects. You don't want to over exert yourself because I think it can increase your chances of heat exhaustion. I work out about 3 times a week and I don't have a problem at all. You just need to drink lots of water.

As far as the question about the UK, I have no idea what pills are available there and if they are the same thing. You can definitely go to your doctor and tell them you heard Robinul worked for someone else. THey can give you their opinion, but most doctors don't know enough about the condition. I suggest seeing a dermatologist for it.


Lucie212 said:
As for the no sweating question.....I do sweat when necessary. Like when I work out, but under normal circumstances I rarely sweat. I think when your body needs to sweat, it will. I haven't had any problems. You are supposed to be careful when you take it though. Read up on the side effects. You don't want to over exert yourself because I think it can increase your chances of heat exhaustion. I work out about 3 times a week and I don't have a problem at all. You just need to drink lots of water.

As far as the question about the UK, I have no idea what pills are available there and if they are the same thing. You can definitely go to your doctor and tell them you heard Robinul worked for someone else. THey can give you their opinion, but most doctors don't know enough about the condition. I suggest seeing a dermatologist for it.

Hey, Lucie,

I'm really glad Rubinol is working for you. I've tried many things, but not this, I think mainly because of some key side effects. But it's different for different people. And right now I'm desperate, so I might give this a try and combine it with the LF I'm applying on my feet. If this also helps my anxiety somewhat and somehow resets my brain, then I have a good chance my feet won't be hot with anxiety.

But I also read one testimony that although it worked, it caused extreme heat feelings due to lack of sweat. Has this been the case with you?


Hey, thanks for the repliy.
Can I ask what strength tablet you take? they seem to range from 0.5 mg upwards. Also, do they work as you take them or do you have to build up taking them and they start working after a while?


Well-known member
I have taken avert. I ordered it from an online pharmacy. I purchased the 1mg pill. It decreased the sweat but didn't quite do the trick so I increased it to 2mg and my sweating stopped. I have to take it 1hr before eating or 2hrs after eating, and it takes about 2hrs to kick in and dry me up. The side effects that I got from it was a really dry throat as if I had a sore throat from a cold and it also dried out my eyes a little bit as I sometimes wear contacts. It kept me dry just about the entire day. I only ever took it on special occassions where I had to get dressed up like if I were going to a wedding, graduation, family reunion, job interview, etc. I'm not big on taking pills because I don't know what the long term effects will be and now I am on an oral prescription medication and don't know if the two pills can be mixed. So I will be trying botox again. If it doesn't work I will have to go back to the avert.


Well-known member
Pinker said:
Hey that's great! Robinul is probably the best one with least side effects. Unfortunately we can't get it here in the UK (unless we buy avert online).

What you can get from the uk (which u may know already) is Pro-Banthine...I didnt know this till asked the doctor for any oral med last week and was surprised when he said try this

I think prob works / is same as Robinul etc

Anyway Im chuffed with the results...had HH for about 4 yrs now (underarm mainly) and never had anything work so well...I can now go a whole day without sweating a bit (taking about 3 a day depending what sitautions I know lie ahead) ...side effects dry throat n stuff but well worth it :D