A separate reality.


New member
hi. I am curious if anyone else expiriences dissociation from reality as a result of "cognitive avoidance". Whenever I feel uncomfortable in social situations, or even when Im by myself now, I jam my own conciousness with junk so as to avoid the pain. Its killing me. just wondering if this is common. Well, I know its not common, but I guess I want to know how uncommon it is.


Well-known member
:? not sure i understand. i do experience dissociation from reality yet i wouldn't say i jam my consciousness with junk. could you write more about it?
i keep having this strange feeling of being somewhere else, somewhere outside this world and just looking in, being imprisoned in my body, feeling that i do not exist, the world doesn't exist, nothing does exist and nothing is real. it so strange, so scary. but i am not sure whether this is exactly the feeling you experience.


i think i can understand what tryin is saying. one of my earliest memories is wondering if life was just a dream and that one day i would wakeup and feel more part of the world.

the problem is overthinking and the false belief that others don't worry.

the quicker u accept that worry is both natural but irrational, and understand that everyone else has the same thoughts, the easier u will find it to mix with others and see their worries as well.

one of the things that has helped lessen my SA was talking to others about worry and finding out i wasn't the only one.

even my dad told me he used to worry about everything until one day he just told himself, no more, and since then he tried not to let things get to him.

even the ones out there that seem to have life all solved, still worry on the inside. they're just better at hiding it, and care less about others opinions of them.

that's why when people say, love yourself, it really works. the more u "love" yourself, the less u care about others opinions, or views of you, the less u worry, and the more u can see other people worry, cause ure less inside ure own head, WORRYING. ;)

did that make any sense? (<------worry remark ;)


Well-known member
J_ you are right i know you are but somehow i still do worry and separete myself from outer world by thinking i am different. i know i should stop this but somehow i am not able to.
but still - after reading your post i realized i am not the only one with a problem like this. and that there are ways how to ovecome it. so thank you J_. i will try more. i promise :)


Well-known member
meowser said:
hi. I am curious if anyone else expiriences dissociation from reality as a result of "cognitive avoidance". Whenever I feel uncomfortable in social situations, or even when Im by myself now, I jam my own conciousness with junk so as to avoid the pain. Its killing me. just wondering if this is common. Well, I know its not common, but I guess I want to know how uncommon it is.

If you google the word " depersonalization " it might be what your looking for.


Well-known member

This is common because whenever anyone experiences anxiety their sense of self is completely solid and vivid.

Its like our sense of our own self importance is magnified and everything else becomes 'out of focus'. This is why we develop mistaken ideas of who we are and who we think others are. Our mind becomes confused with reality because how things appaear to exist does not correspond to how they appear.

Its not necessarily avoidance, its a not knowing how things really are that is the problem here. The world as it appears to your mind when you are calm is different to how it appears to your mind when you are anxious.

This proves that your experience of life and happiness in your world depends entirely upon your mind.
