A sad realization

chin ho

"what position in the chosen department would you like to be?" I stumbled upon this question while filling my application yesterday(yes, I did go :D thanks guys)
and my answer was "c-employee"

going back home I felt like **** not because I didn't turn in the application (the whole thing wasn't as exciting as I thought it was going to be and it turned out I still have 2 more days) but because I settled for the less challenging option, an employee...and basically this is what I've been doing throughout my entire adulthood...I'd go for low paying jobs with minimal requirements, approach not so good looking girls.....and end up being unfulfilled

you can't do better than ur self-esteem:confused:


Well-known member
You can do better than your self-esteem. There is no rule that says that you can't, although it is likely that the choices you make are based on how good self-esteem is. But all you have to do is really to go for the job that is too challenging for you, approach girls that are too good looking for you and in general just do things that you feel that you are not good enough to do. Because, seriously, what is it that disqualifies you from all these things? Probably just yourself. Don't say no to a job just because it might be too difficult!


Well-known member
I agree with the above comment, its better to try than to never know! and you might just surprise yourself =)