a question about meeting people


New member
i just signed up to ask a question ,first of all i'll start by talking about myself.I was agoraphobic from the age of 15 till 18 i never even left my room but since the beginning of the year ive been seeing a therapist and she helped me to the point way im able to go out with family members with no fear ,although i lost all my friends when i stopped going out and i dont know how to meet new people because im embarressed to tell people about my situation i wondered if there was any group meetings or face to face help in the london area?



Well-known member
Have a chat to these people and search using their site for group meetings
Mind (National Association for Mental Health)
I have found Mind to be brilliant, I go to their meetings for anxiety etc. they cover a wide range of mental health areas and other things plus they do classes and group work etc.
Also they have coffee and biscuits as well which is a bonus.


Well-known member
I don't know about the ones in London, but some SA meet up do activities such as improvising, practicing certain situations (maybe taking something back to a shop). I found out about one through this site: Social Anxiety UK. Have never been to one yet though - but giving it serious thought.

If you need to talk to someone, most people on this site are more than happy to listen. I find it difficult to be honest about my situation, as like you say, I feel a bit embarassed about how I got so isolated & how life just stopped. This sounds cheesy, but it's helped to feel a connection with people on this site. :)