A problem


New member
It all started when I moved from Nevada to Arkansas. My dad was becoming a progressively worse alcoholic and my mom decided she had enough. She chose moving to Arkansas because my aunt lives there, and my grandparents-brother live just one state away. I have never been a shy person in my life at all. I've always been funny, and not afraid to talk to anyone. How much that has changed. As the school year began, it took me along time to find even one friend. This was very upsetting to me, as I had never had any problems at all with my social life in the past. I had no idea why I suddenly became shy. It became hard to talk to anyone unless they talked to me first. Eventually I found 4 or so friends at school but we weren't really that close and never did anything at all outside of school. My mom decides to give my dad a second chance, so I go back to Vegas for Thanksgiving break. I feel this shyness lifted off of me. I was comfortable around my friends that I had known for a very long time. I was relived.

So then we head back to Arkansas after thanksgiving, so my dad could save for the move back during the summer. As soon as I go back to Arkansas, It's like I became a different person. I wasn't the funny sociable guy like I was around my friends. I was quiet and kept to myself, and even started to become shy around my friends there.

We go back to Vegas yet again to visit for Spring Break. This time it's different around my friends. I can just generally tell that I have become socially awkward. I'm comfortable around some people, and not comfortable around others, even though I have known them for years.

So summer finally rolls around and I've been back for 5 days. It's pretty much the same thing that happened during spring break. I'm shy around my close friends, and I have no reason to be. I'm a totally different person that I once was.

What do you think is the cause of is? How can I just BE MYSELF again?


Well-known member
Yep Nina's spot on mate, in my case anyway.

Not as complicated as it seemed at the time.

But mate, I'm WELL past that stage, so use the element of early awareness and do something about it, before it gets any worse.