a few questions.


New member
I just recently found out about social anxiety in a magazine and realized that there is a very big chance that i have this problem.

but how am i supposed to help?
i would never be able to go to a doctor and say "i get nervous in public and it's ruining my life" ?

Also i was wondering if being a perfectionist can be a "side effect" to this problem.
Like caring about how you look a lot, and always trying to do better things, but not for yourself, only to try and impress other people.
Also if drug abuse / alcohol abuse could be? I used to take speed on an almost daily basis because it would make me feel more confident. (I only stopped because heart desease runs in my familly and it was pretty rough on my heart, and when i would get anxiety it would make my heart race 50 times faster)
I've also had an alcohol problem since i was about 16.

I can't make phone calls and my mind goes almost blank when i'm around people, also i'm unable to look at people in the eye.

anyways, i don't know what to do. I told my boyfriend about it but he said it was just because i had low self esteem.


Well-known member

When i first started realising there was something wrong i tried to go it alone for years, i self medicated through using drugs and drink, anything i could get my hands on. I needed help. So i wrote down a list because i was too afraid, to embarassed to share my problem with a complete stranger.

Write down a list of symptoms you have been experiencing and the duration. Also include a brief description of how you have tried to cope with this in your life and who has been supporting you.

Then take this to the doctor and give it to them and say "i feel anxious so i have written it all down, i would like you to help me?"

Good luck



Well-known member
rado31 said:
And what about doing CBT on our own?

On one's own? Is it altogether possible? :?:

Well, tracylee, if you actually can't stand it, I'd suggest you to visit some doctor despite all. But it's very hard, I know... :roll:
