A few questions HH questions


Active member

Over the last few days I have been trying to look ( going thru one of those spells when you feel like you can tackle and beat this dreaded condition ) into various things regarding HH.

I would be grateful if anyone can help me with a few questions

1. What advice can people give for someone like myself whos HH goes extra haywire in stressful situations ( I am an anxiety sufferer ) ie tips & methods to combat etc.

2. Can anyone tell me which are best out of Polypro socks and socks that contain Nano-Silver?

3. Could anyone reccommend any brands. ( I am UK based )

4. Could anyone reccommend types and brands of insoles




Well-known member
Ive never really found a method to cope with the anxiety and stress
at work can be bad sometimes

the best way Ive found for dealing with it at the weekends though is alchohol :lol:
makes all ur problems disappear :roll:
although I wouldnt necessarily recommend it


My 2 cents...

Thick cotton socks work best for me. I've found the other "hi-tech" materials to just make it worse. Change the socks often - you can do this in the car at work during your lunch time.

Drink plenty of water or tea because it will flush out your toxins and refresh your body temperature making you sweat less. Some people claim sage tea makes them sweat less and not to mention it's extremely healthy to drink. The cooler and more refreshed your body feels, the less it will sweat.

But there's a study out that claims sage tea works even better when applied to the skin! Sage leaves have natural astringent properties. Here's the link to the useful article about the study that was done titled "Kitchen Herb May Help Relieve Sweating":

When I'm stressed at work I take a deeeep breath and I hold it in for as long as I can and then release slowly. It brings more oxygen into your brain to help you better relax. It also helps tremendously to be alone for a few minutes - go to the bathroom or have lunch by yourself - anywhere you can be alone for a minute to just relax.

Also do a google search for "vitamins stress" OR "vitamins anxiety" and you will get a lot of good info. There are vitamins that are specifically important to combat stress and anxiety - off the top of my head I can think of zinc and all the B vitamins but there are more. Make sure you take a multi everyday with plenty of these antistress vitamins.

As far as topicals that you can apply to your skin, the most effective are hands down Hydrosal gel and Deydral lotion. They work for some but not for others. You might have heard of CertainDri and Drysol - these are the most common topicals and they work great but only on the underarms. HYDROSAL and DEHYDRAL are much better because your hands and feet can actually absorb them. You can contact me if you want more info on them.


Active member
Thanks Claudelle,

you've given me a few new things to think about or try.

Thanks again


Well-known member
Hey Yes I agree. I've been using Hydrosal for over a year now, i used to used Drysol and Hydrosal gel is a lot better and less irritating than Drysol. Only problem is you have to keep repeating applications at night and the product is kinda expensive but it will help you out a lot. I'm going to try iontophoresis next see if that helps even more.