A Few Problems!


New member
Hi there, my names darren, 18 and just found this forum, so id like to share my experiences.

Basically i have always been abit shy, but thought nothing of it, used to get busy trains to school ect with ease. But they one day at school a teacher asked me to do a presentation and i really paniked and had a panic attack, and walked out the class. Ever since that day 24/7 i think im going to have another one ect. I get really red and hot and its really annoying, so know i have a phobia of going red , so i wont really go into any social places because i know i am going to get very hot. I havnt been on a train for months ect.

i think i know what may have started this but i dont want to go into it unless people want to know ect.

I may also have this condition called rosecea, so my face is always red and i am very very paranoid about this, i also think this has led to my anxiety around people as i feel to myself i dont look normal ect. I get very hot and red if the door bell goees in my house, or if i have soemthing planned say a week in advance i will be petrified about it all week. i just dont know what to do. I had to quite 6th form half way through my a2 levels because i just hated to be around people in a small class, i felttrapped, and get very very hot and red and just wanted to escape. This had let me in the last few weeks to become very lazy, and gettin frustrtaed and upset that i cant do all ther things i used to be able to do about 1 year ago. This is ruining me and im at a stage where im not going to go anywhere where they are people. I will not even go into shops.

Please reply with thoughts, and just hearing other peoples experiences ect may help me to feel a bit better, and not all alone

thanks ppl xx


Well-known member
I feel similar too, I feel trapped when in classes or busy trains, feeling paranoid, sometimes i do go red aswell although not quite as much as i did a few years ago, however now its just a horrible wierd feeling, and sometimes going red aswell as that.


I think similar presentations caused my anxiety problems as well, so I know what you're feeling. I agree with Pinker as to how you could approach a solution.


Well-known member
Hi darren, and welcome to the forum!

I had to do a fair amount of presentations when I was doing my degree. At the time I had no idea what social anxiety was, let alone that I had it.

Having said that, I absolutely detested and dreaded every presentation I had to do. What helped me was to practise and practise and practise what I was going to say beforehand, and have my 'script' in front of me as I was doing it for real. I also made sure that I gave my audience plenty of handouts/ slides to look at during it (so they weren't looking at me).


New member
nice for the replys :)

if any of you have msnn, would you mind adding me

[email protected]

Also, all the people who have SA i have come across are genreally really nice people. i think the people who are more sentitive and caring ect develop SA. due to the fact that people mite wonder what people think ect that could be peoples sensitive side coming out

But yeah, if you want to chat that would be coool